
Xi Zhang      Research Associate Professor

Sex: Female

Email: zh0005xi@szu.edu.cn

Office: S701

Talent title: Shenzhen High-level Talent

Final degree: PhD

Tel: 86-755-26656730

Advisor qualification: Master Supervisor

Research Interest:

Electro-optical robotics, electro-optical sensor,machine learning-assistant material design.
She is author or co-author of more than 70 SCI papers such as Nano Letters, Chemical Reviews, Nano Research, Nanophotonics, etc., in the field of nano/micro sensor theory and applications, and ECR manufacturing. The total citation of her papers is larger than 1800 times and the H-index is 27. Her research activities have been awarded with the start-up grant of Shenzhen high-caliber overseas talent in 2015, Natural science foundation of Guangdong in 2016, and Natural science foundation yourth grant of China in 2017.

Undergraduate Course:

Machine-learning assisted material design

Graduate Course:


2008.08–2013.06    Ph.D,  Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2010.09–2010.12 Exchange, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan


2014.10-present    Research Associate professor, Shenzhen University, China
2012.08-2014.08  PostDoc,Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


1.Huijie Zhen#, Liang Liu#, Zezhou lin, Siyan Gao, Xiaolin Li, Xi Zhang*, Physically compatible machine learning study on the Pt-Ni nanoclusters, J Phys Chem Lett,2021,12,5,1573-1580 (IF:7.1)
2.Liang Liu, Zezhou Lin, Jifan Hu, Xi Zhang*, Full quantum search for high Tc two-dimensional van der Waals ferromagnetic semiconductors, Nanoscale, 2021,13, 8137-8145 (IF:6.9)
3.Xi Zhang, Lulu Tian, Dongfeng Diao*, High-response heterojunction phototransistor based on vertically grown graphene nanosheets film, Carbon, 2020, 172, 720-728(IF:8.82)
4.Zezhou Lin, Zheng Wang, Xi Zhang*, and Dongfeng Diao,Superhydrophobic, photo-sterilize and reusable mask based on graphene nanosheet-embedded carbon (GNEC) film,Nano Research, 14, 1110–1115 (2021) (IF.8.3
5. Mingjin Dai, Wei Zheng,Xi Zhang*,Sanmei Wang ,Yongqing Fu, PingAn Hu*,Enhanced Piezoelectric Effect Derived from Grain Boundary in {MoS}2 Monolayers , Nano Lett. 2020, 20, 1, 201-207(IF:15)
5.  Liu, Xinjuan#; Zhang, Xi#; Bo, MaoLin; Li, Lei; Tian, Hongwei; Nie, Yanguang; Sun, Yi; Xu, Shiqing; Wang, Yan; Zheng, Weitao; Sun, Changqing*,Coordination-resolved electron spectrometrics, Chemical Reviews, 2015, 115(14):6746-6810 (IF:30)

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