
Dengji GUO      Associate Professor


Email: guodj@szu.edu.cn

Office: S704

Talent title: Shenzhen “Overseas High-level” Talent

Final degree: PhD


Advisor qualification: Master Supervisor

Research Interest:

Micro/Nano-fabrications using ion/electron/photon beams, Semiconductor Manufacturing Process and Equipment, Industrial/Rehabilitation robots.

Undergraduate Course:

Graduate Course:


Oct. 2010 - Sep. 2013, Doctoral Course, the University of Tokyo, Japan.
Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2007, Master Course, University of Fukui, Japan.
Sep. 2000 - Jul. 2004, Undergraduate Course, Nanchang Hangkong University, China.
(Born in 1984)


Jan. 2015 – Now, Shenzhen University, Associate Professor/Deputy Director.
Mar. 2014 – Dec. 2014, Sensata Technologies (Texas Instruments) Co. Ltd, R&D Engineer.
Oct. 2013 – Feb. 2014, the University of Tokyo, JSPS Researcher.
Apr. 2007 – Sep. 2010, Mitsubishi Electric Co. Ltd, R&D Engineer.


Focused Ion Beam:
- Xu Jiao, Qiao Li, Duan Zewen, Guo Dengji, Chai Liqiang, Zhao Xiaoyu, Wang Peng*, Liu Weimin, "Self-ion irradiation on hydrogenated amorphous carbon films at depth of adhesion interlayer: Radiation-induced atomic intermixing and degraded film properties", SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS, 2020, DOI: 10.1002/sia.6785.
- Jiao Xu, Zewen Duan, Li Qiao, Liqiang Chai, Zhang Chen, Dengji Guo*, Peng Wang*, Weimin Liu, "Nonuniform transitions of heavy-ion irradiated a-C:H films in depth direction - Structure and antiwear property degradation analysis", Carbon, 2019, 146: 200-209.
- Dengji Guo, Xinchun Chen*, Chenhui Zhang, Xiaoyu Wu, Zhiyuan Liu, Kunluo Li, Jun Zhang, Chenxue Wang, "Nanoscale Tunable Reduction of Interfacial Friction on Nano-Patterned Wear-Resistant Bulk Metallic Glass", Applied Surface Science, 2018, 453: 297-308.
- Jun Dai*, Saipeng Xie, Hui Chang, Dengji Guo, Reo Kometani, "A semi-empirical growth model study of W–C induced by focused ion beam with a Gaussian–Holtsmarkian distribution", Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 52(20): 12326–12335. (DOI 10.1007/s10853-017-1377-y)
- Dengji Guo*, Shin’ichi Warisawa, Sunao Ishihara and Reo Kometani, “Mechanical characteristics of ultra-long horizontal nanocantilevers grown by real-time feedback control on focused-ion-beam chemical vapour deposition“, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2015, 25: 125028.
- Dengji Guo*, Reo Kometani, Shin’ichi Warisawa and Sunao Ishihara, “Growth of ultra-long horizontal free-space-nanowire by the real-time feedback control of the scanning speed on focused-ion-beam chemical vapor deposition“, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2013, 31: 061601.
- Dengji Guo*, Reo Kometani, Shin’ichi Warisawa and Sunao Ishihara, “Three-Dimensional Nanostructure Fabrication by Controlling Downward Growth on Focused-Ion-Beam Chemical Vapor Deposition“, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 51: 065001.

Micro Electro-Physical/Chemical Machining:
- Zhao-zhi Wu, Xiao-yu Wu⁎, Bin Xu⁎, Deng-ji Guo, Yong Tang, Dong-feng Diao, "Reverse-polarity PMEDM using self-welding bundled 3D-laminated microelectrodes", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019, 273: 116261.
- Zhao-zhi Wu, Feng Luo*, Deng-ji Guo*, Xiao-yu Wu, Bin Xu, Jian-guo Lei, Xiong Liang, Dong-feng Diao, "Micro-EDM by using laminated 3D micro-electrodes with deionized water containing B4C powder", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 99: 2893–2902.
- Bin Xu, Xiao-yu Wu*, Jian-guo Lei*, Hang Zhao, Xiong Liang, Rong Cheng, Deng-ji Guo, "Elimination of 3D micro-electrode’s step effect and applying it in micro-EDM", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 96(1–4): 429–438.
- Bin Xu*, Xiao-yu Wu*, Jian-guo Lei, Xiong Liang, Hang Zhao, Deng-ji Guo and Shuang-chen Ruan, "Micro-ECM of 3D micro-electrode for efficiently processing 3D micro-structure", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s00170-016-9825-4.
- Dengji Guo, Xiaoyu Wu*, Jianguo Lei, Bin Xu, Reo Kometani and Feng Luo, "Fabrication of micro/nanoelectrode using focused-ion-beam chemical vapor deposition, and its application to micro-ECDM", Procedia CIRP, 2016, 42: 733-736.
- Jianguo Lei, Xiaoyu Wu*, Bo Wu, Bin Xu, Dengji Guo and Jinming Zhong, "Fabrication of 3D microelectrodes by combining wire electrochemical micromachining and micro-electric resistance slip welding", Procedia CIRP, 2016, 42: 825-830.

Metal Additive Manufacturing:
- Jianjun Lin, Yaohui Lv, Dengji Guo*, Xiaoyu Wu, Zhou Li, Cai Liu, Bingang Guo, Gang Xu, Binshi Xu, "Enhanced strength and ductility in thin Ti-6Al-4V alloy components by alternating the thermal cycle strategy during plasma arc additive manufacturing", Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 759: 288-297.
- Jianjun Lin, Dengji Guo*, Yaohui Lv*, Yuxin Liu, Xiaoyu Wu, Bin Xu, Gang Xu, Binshi Xu, "Heterogeneous microstructure evolution of Ti-6Al-4V alloy thin-wall component deposited by plasma arc additive manufacturing", Materials & Design, 2018, 157: 200-210.

Femtosecond Laser Processing:
- Jianxun Lu, Xiaoyu Wu*, Shuangchen Ruan*, Dengji Guo*, Chenlin Du, Xiong Liang, Zhaozhi Wu, "The Femtosecond Laser Ablation on Ultrafine-Grained Copper", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11661-018-4648-6.
- Jianxun Lu, Xiaoyu Wu*, Zhaozhi Wu, Zhiyuan Liu, Dengji Guo, Yan Lou and Shuangchen Ruan*, "Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Al-6061 Prepared Using Intermittent Ultrasonic-Assisted Equal-Channel Angular Pressing", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26(10): 5107-5117.

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