
胡新尧      助理教授


邮箱: huxinyao@szu.edu.cn

办公室: 机电楼s626室


最终学位: 博士

办公电话: 0755-26905532

导师资格: 硕士生导师




《Interpersonal and Professional Communication》(品牌通识)








国家自然科学基金青年基金, 面向老年人跌倒预防的可穿戴软体机器人交互控制和运动生物力学研究(11702175),2018-2021,21万元,结题。
深圳市科技创新委员会基础研究自由探索项目,可穿戴下肢软体矫正器对老年人步态和平衡的主动干预研究(JCYJ20160422145322758),2016-2019.    30万元,结题
广东省科学技术厅博士启动项目,老年人在湿滑地面上身体平衡恢复的生物力学研究(2016A030310068),2016-2019,    10万元,结题
深圳大学新引进教师科研启动项目(自然科学)    老年人跌倒的运动生物力学研,2016-2018,    6万元,结题
福建省运动鞋面料重点实验室开放课题,低成本高分辨率的智能压力分布和触觉感知鞋垫的研发和应用(SSUM21X)    胡新尧    2021年5月2022年5月    1万元,在研
深圳市科创委基础研究面上项目,JCYJ20210324093005015,智能化可穿戴远程跌倒风险评估和老年人跌倒预防,2021-2024, 60万元,在研           
国家重点研发计划-工作相关疾病和职业伤害防控关键技术与干预策略研究(2022YFC2503200),子课题:职业危害智能化监测预警和早期健康效应筛查干预关键技术与装备研发, 2022-2026, 43.4万元,在研   

华为终端有限公司,跌倒检测与跌倒预防技术合作,2018- 2019, 96.2万元    结题
华为终端有限公司,高水平运动人群数据采集合作,2019-2022,    48.01万元    在研
华为终端有限公司,篮球运动数据采集,2019,    4.43万元     结题
华为终端有限公司,跑步姿态数据采集,2018,2.5万元    结题
广东福临门世家智能家居有限公司,铝合金门窗恒温隔热隔紫外线性能研究,2019    2万元    结题
广东福临门世家智能家居有限公司,铝合金门窗恒温隔热涂层的自动化工艺研究2021-2023, 2万元,在研
中国疾病预防控制中心职业卫生与中毒控制所,工效学在线监测装备开发,2022-2025,  55万元,在研

代表期刊论文 :

Hu, X., Jia, L., Tang, J., Duan, Q., Chen, C. Zhao, Z., Qu, X. (2023). Effects of backpack load on spatiotemporal turning gait parameters, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 95, 103443.
Hu, X., Tang, J., Cai, W., Sun, Z., Zhao, Z., & Qu, X. (2023). Characteristics of foot plantar pressure during turning in young male adults. Gait & posture, 101, 1–7.
Hu, X., Li, Y., Chen, G., Zhao, Z., & Qu, X. (2022). Identification of balance recovery patterns after slips using hierarchical cluster analysis. Journal of biomechanics, 143, 111281.
Hu, X. , Liang, F. , Fang, Z. , Qu, X. * , Zhao, Z. , Ren, Z. Cai, W. (2021). Automatic temporal event detection of the ollie movement during skateboarding using wearable IMUs. Sports Biomechanics, DOI: 10.1080/14763141.2021.1990384
Hu, X. , Zeng, X. , Xu, Y. , Luo, C. , & Qu, X. * (2021). A soft robotic intervention for gait enhancement in older adults. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 29, 1838-1847.
Hu, X. , Shen, F. , Zhao, Z. , Qu, X. , & J Ye. (2020). An individualized gait pattern prediction model based on the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression. Journal of Biomechanics, 112(16), 110052.
Hu, X., Mo, S., Qu, X. (2020) Basketball Activity Classification Based on Upper Body Kinematics and Dynamic Time Warping, International Journal of Sports Medicine 41(04): 255-263.
Qu, X., Xie, Y., Hu, X.*, Zhang, H., (2019). Effects of fatigue on balance recovery from unexpected trips, Human Factors, 62(6), 919–927.
Qu, X., Jiang, J. Hu, X.* (2018) Effects of sub-sensory noise and fatigue on knee landing and cross-over cutting biomechanics in male athletes, Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 34 (3): 205-210.
Hu, X., Zhao, J., Peng, D., Sun, Z., Qu, X. * (2018)., Estimation of Foot Plantar Center of Pressure Trajectories with Low-Cost Instrumented Insoles Using an Individual-Specific Nonlinear Model, Sensor, 18(421), s18020421,
Hu, X., Huang, Z., Jiang, J. and Qu X. *, (2017) An Inertial Sensor Based System for Real-Time Biomechanical Analysis during Running, Journal of Medical and Bioengineering, 6(1), 1-5, doi: 10.18178/jomb.6.1.1-5.
Hu, X., and Qu, X. * (2016) Pre-impact fall detection. BioMedical Engineering OnLine 15(61). Published online 2016 Jun 1. doi:  10.1186/s12938-016-0194-x
Hu, X. *and Soh G.S. (2015) A study on estimation of planar gait kinematics using minimal inertial measurement units and inverse kinematics. Proceedings of 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Chicago, IL, USA.
Hu, X., and Qu, X. * (2015) Detecting falls using a fall indicator defined by a linear combination of kinematic measures. Safety Science 72, 315-318.
Hu, X., and Qu, X. * (2014) An individual-specific fall detection model based on the statistical process control chart. Safety Science 64, 13-21
Qu, X., and Hu, X. * (2014) Lower-extremity kinematics and postural stability during stairnegotiation: Effects of two cognitive tasks. Clinical Biomechanics, 29, 40-46.
Hu, X., and Qu, X. * (2013). Differentiating slip-induced falls from normal walking and successful recovery after slips using kinematic measures. Ergonomics, 56(5), 856-867.
Qu, X. *, Hu, X., & Lew, F. L. (2012). Differences in lower extremity muscular responses between successful and failed balance recovery after slips. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 42(5), 499-504.


Hu, X.*, Luo, C., Li, H., Jia, L., Song, C., Wang, Z., Qu, X. An Ankle Based Soft Active Orthotic Device Powered by Pneumatic Artificial Muscle, IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics, 2019.
Zhu, Y., Qiu, S., Li, M., Chen, G. Hu, X.*, Liu, C., Qu, X. Smart Portable Mat That Can Meausre Sitting Plantar Pressure Distribution with a High Resolution, IEEE 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications, 2019, 141-144.
Hu, X., Luo, C., Peng, D., Qu, X. (2018) A Conductive Fabric based Smart Insole to Measure the Foot Pressure Distribution with High Resolution    , The International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob2018), Florence, Italy (Accepted) .
Hu, X., Mo, S., Peng, D., Shen, F., Luo, C., Qu, X. (2018) A Portable Insole for Foot Plantar Pressure Measurement Based on A Pressure Sensitive E-textile and Voltage Feedback Method, IEEE 23rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2018), Shanghai, China (Accepted).
Hu, X., Shen, F., Peng, D., , Luo, C., Mo, S., Qu, X. (2018) Automatic Activity Classification Based on Human Body Kinematics and Dynamic Time Wrapping, IEEE 23rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2018), Shanghai, China (Accepted).
Wan, F., Wang, Z., Franchuk, B., Hu, X., and Song, C.*, Hybrid Actuator Design for a Gait Augmentation Wearable, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE ROBIO), Macao SAR, P.R. China, December 05 – 08, 2017.
Hu, X. *, Zhao, J., Peng D., Sun, Z. and Qu, X. (2017) A Low Cost Instrumented Insole to Measure the Center of Pressure during Standing, Proceedings of International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics (ICMIR2017), Kunming China.
Hu, X. *, Zhong, S., and Qu, X. (2017) An Instrumented Glove for Real Time Feedback on Hand Gripping Pressure and Bending, Proceedings of 4th Annual International Conference on Design, Manufacturing and Mechatronics (ICDMM2017) ,845-853.
Hu, X.*, Qu X.(2016) The Effect of Back-Carrying Load and Fatigue on Gait Characteristics at Heel Contact. In: Goonetilleke R., Karwowski W. (eds) Advances in Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 489. Springer, Cham.
Hu, X. *, Yao, C., and Soh, G.S. (2015) Performance evaluation of lower limb ambulatory measurement using reduced Inertial Measurement Units and 3R gait model. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), Singapore.
Hu, X., and Qu, X. * (2012) Apply time series modelling in gait kinematic analysis during slips. Paper presented at Expert Scientific Meeting (ESM) 2012, Aalborg, Denmark.
Hu, X., and Qu, X. * (2012) Reliability of kinematic measures during no-slip and slip gait.Proceedings of 2012 Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society Annual Meeting (GCMAS), Grand Rapids, MI, USA.
Qu, X., and Hu, X. * (2010) Effects of visual input on standing balance control when back-carrying external loads. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, USA.


1.测量足底压力中心轨迹的方法、模型建立方法及智能鞋垫 (201710681987.1)
2.碰撞前跌倒检测方法及装置 (201710244679.2)


Review Editor-Frontiers in Public Health (中科院大类3区)

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