
朱立宽      副教授


邮箱: zhulikuan@szu.edu.cn

办公室: 机电楼S801室

人才称号: 深圳孔雀计划C类人才

最终学位: 工学博士

办公电话: 0755-86724078

导师资格: 硕导







哈尔滨工业大学    机械制造及其自动化              工学博士
瑞士联邦理工学院   基因药物-新型机械装备联合实验室      联合培养博士
哈尔滨工业大学    机械制造及其自动化              工学硕士
兰州理工大学      机械设计制造及其自动化(基地班)     工学学士




深圳市稳定支持计划B类项目,2021/01-2022/12, 已结题,负责人

代表期刊论文 :

[1]Bowu,Likuan Zhu*,Zhiwen Zhou, Cheng Guo, Tao Cheng and Xiaoyu Wu. An Efficient Method to Fabricate the Mold Cavity for a Helical Cylindrical Pinion. Processes, 2023 (唯一通讯作者,JCR二区,IF=3.5)
[2]Angus Shiue, Likuan Zhu, Chao-Li Wang, Jyh-Cheng Jeng, Graham Leggtt. Mixing performance of a non-Newtonian fluid in a coaxial agitated impeller reactor. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2023 (共同第一作者,JCR一区,IF=5.477)
[3]Gaolin Ye,Peng Zhou,Likuan Zhu*,Jiaming Bai.Preparation of silicon carbide ceramic slurry for stereolithographybased additive manufacturing.Processing and Application of Ceramics,2023(共同通讯作者,JCR三区,IF=1.51)
[4]Likuan Zhu, Jinhui Hao.Study on the micro through holes machining using the electrochemical machining (ECM) method with a graphite electrode.The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2022(第一作者,JCR二区,IF=3.563)
[5]Chang-Tao Liu,Likuan Zhu*,Feng Luo*.Effect factors and evaluation method of part accuracy formed by ultrasonic micro-punching with a flexible punch.The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2022(共同通讯作者,JCR二区,IF=3.563)
[6]Likuan Zhu,Chen WQ.Analysis of hollow wall effect on the fluid dynamics in the orbitally shaken bioreactors.Scientific Reports,2022(第一作者,JCR二区,IF=4.996)
[7]Rui-xiang Yang, Likuan Zhu*, Feng Luo*.Influence of ultrasound on forming force in thin sheetmetal microforming using molten plastic as flexible punch.Materials and Design,2021.(共同通讯作者,JCR一区,IF=9.417)
[8]Likuan Zhu,Angus Shiue, Florian M Wurm.Fluid dynamics of a pilot scale OrbShake bioreactor under different operating conditions.Journal of Chemical Technology&Biotechnology,2021(第一作者,JCR二区,IF=3.709)
[9]Bin Xu, Kang Guo, Likuan Zhu*, Xiaoyu Wu, Jianguo Lei.Applying Foil Queue Microelectrode with Tapered Structure in Micro-EDM to Eliminate the Step Effect on the 3D Microstructures Surface,Micromachines,2020(唯一通讯作者,JCR二区,IF=2.426);
[10]Bin Xu, Jianguo Lei, Xiaoyu Wu, Likuan Zhu*.The wear of 3D microelectrode in micro electrical discharge machining. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2020(唯一通讯作者,JCR二区,IF=3.563);
[11]Hang Zhao, Xiaoyu Wu, Bin Xu, Likuan Zhu*.A novel method to fabricate composite coatings via ultrasonic-assisted electro-spark powder deposition.Ceramics International,2019(唯一通讯作者,JCR一区,IF=5.532);
[12]Likuan Zhu, Boyan Song, Zhenlong Wang.Developing an orbitally shaken bioreactor featuring a hollow cylinder vessel wall.Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology,2019(第一作者,JCR二区,IF=2.659)
[13]Likuan Zhu, Boyan Song, Zhenlong Wang.Analyzing the suitability of a baffled orbitally shaken bioreactor for cells cultivation using the CFD approach.Biotechnology Progress, 2018(第一作者,JCR二区,IF=2.406)
[14]Likuan Zhu, Dominique T.Monteil, Yukui Wang, Boyan Song, David L. Hacker, Maria J. Wurm, Xiaobin Li*, Zhenlong Wang*, Florian M. Wurm*, Fluid dynamics of flow fields in a disposable 600-mL orbitally shaken bioreactor, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2018(第一作者,JCR一区, IF=4.446)
[15]Likuan Zhu, Xueting Zhang, Kai Cheng, Zhonghua Lv, Lei Zhang, Qingyong Meng, Shujie Yuan, Boyan Song, Zhenlong Wang*, Characterizing the fluid dynamics of the inverted frustoconical shaking bioreactor, Biotechnology Progress, 2018(第一作者,JCR二区, IF=2.406)
[16]Likuan Zhu, Wang Han, Boyan Song, Zhenlong Wang*, Characterizing the fluid dynamics in the flow fields of cylindrical orbitally shaken bioreactors with different geometry sizes, Engineering in Life Sciences, 2018(第一作者,JCR三区, IF=3.405)
[17]Likuan Zhu, Boyan Song, Zhenlong Wang*, Dominique T.Moteil, Xiao Shen, David L.Hacker, Maria De Jesus, Florian M. Wurm*, Studies on fluid dynamics of the flow and gas transfer in orbitally shaken tubes, Biotechnology Progess, 2017(第一作者,JCR二区, IF=2.406)

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