
范雪      特聘研究员


邮箱: fanx@szu.edu.cn

办公室: S802

人才称号: 深圳市海外高层次人才(孔雀C)

最终学位: 博士

办公电话: 0755-26532036

导师资格: 硕导








2008.03-2012.03 西安交通大学 机械工程学院 机械设计及理论专业     工学博士
2006.09-2008.01 西安交通大学 机械工程学院 机械设计及理论专业     硕博连读
2002.09-2006.07 西安交通大学 机械工程学院 机械工程及其自动化专业  工学学士


2020.01-至今     深圳大学 纳米表面科学与工程研究所         副教授
2017.01-2019.12   深圳大学 纳米表面科学与工程研究所         副研究员
2015.04-2016.12   深圳大学 纳米表面科学与工程研究所         讲师
2012.06-2014.12   西安交通大学 机械工程学院              师资博士后
2010.10-2011.10   东京大学 工学系研究科 材料工学专业        访问博士



(2)中国博士后科学基金项目:电子照射合成sp2-sp3有序排列表面的摩擦接触机理研究 (项目编号:2012M521755),2012.07-2014.06,已结题

(1)深圳市科技计划基础研究(自由探索)项目:超光滑碳纳米结构表面低粘附特性及其原理探索 (项目编号:JCYJ20170817100822005),2018.01-2020.03,结题
(2)深圳市海外高层次人才科研启动项目:石墨烯交联结构诱导下纳晶碳膜的摩擦学特性原位测试研究平台, 2016.01-2018.12,结题

(1)深圳大学新引进教师科研启动项目:石墨烯交联结构诱导下碳表面纳米刻划行为准原位测试研究(项目编号:201526), 2015.06-2017.05,已结题

(1)深圳大学教学改革研究项目: 工程制图(2)-减速器绘制过程中互动式多样化教学(项目编号:JG2018096 ),2018.07-2019.06, 结题  
(2)深圳大学高水平大学建设-国家级精品课程、规划教材培育项目:《纳米表面摩擦学(双语)》国家级教材出版培育计划(项目编号:SZUGSPII-028),2019.12-2020.12, 在研  
(3)深圳大学教学改革研究项目:“课程-竞赛-项目”的进阶式拔尖创新人才培养模式研究(项目编号:JG2021016 ),2022.01-2022.12, 在研

代表期刊论文 :

(26) Peidong Xue, Cheng Chen, Xue Fan*, Dongfeng Diao, Current-carrying friction in carbon coated ball bearing, Friction, 11(11): 2008-2020, 2023. (IF: 6.8)
(25) Zelong Hu, Xue Fan*, Dongfeng Diao, A review of in-situ TEM studies on the mechanical and tribological behaviors of carbon-based materials, Lubricants, 11:187, 2023. (IF: 3.5)
(24) Zelong Hu, Xue Fan*, Dongfeng Diao, Facilitation of sp(2) nanocrystallites on the formation of transfer films for stable low friction with in-situ TEM nanofriction study, Tribology International, 174:107713, 2022. (IF: 6.2)
(23) Xue Fan*, Zelong Hu, Wenchao Huang, In-situ TEM studies on stick-slip friction characters of sp(2) nanocrystallited carbon films, Friction, 10(10):1635-1649, 2022. (IF: 6.8)
(22) Zhitao Yang, Zelong Hu, Xue Fan*, Cheng Chen, Parallel electricity at friction interface induced fast superlow friction of amorphous carbon films, Applied Surface Science, 577:151962, 2022. (IF: 6.7)
(21) Zelong Hu, Xue Fan*, Cheng Chen, The multiscale frictional behaviors of sp(2) nanocrystallited carbon films with different ion irradiation densities, Friction, 9(5):1025-1037, 2021. (IF: 4.924)
(20) Kun Sun, Xue Fan*, Lei Yang, Sicheng Chen, Jinwei Fan, Dongfeng Diao, Graphene nanocrystallites induced short run-in period with low electric power at current-carrying sliding interface, Applied Surface Science, 568:150902, 2021. (IF: 7.392)
(19) Cheng Chen, Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao, Ultrasmooth nanocrystalline carbon film induced by low concentration doping: Carbide disorienting graphene nanocrystallite, Carbon 158:69-76, 2020. ( IF: 9.594)
(18) Xue Fan and Dongfeng Diao*, Ion excitation and etching effects on top-surface properties of sp2 nanocrystallited carbon films. Applied Surface Science, 462, 669–677, 2018. (IF: 5.155)
(17) Chen Cheng, Xue Fan* and Dongfeng Diao*, Low-energy electron irradiation induced top-surface nanocrystallization of amorphous carbon film.  Applied Surface Science, 384, 341–347, 2016. (IF: 3.387)
(16) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao*, The adhesion behavior of carbon coating studied by re-indentation during in situ TEM nanoindentation, Applied Surface Science, 362, 49-55, 2016.  (IF: 3.387)
(15) Wenlei Zhang, Xue Fan and Dongfeng Diao*, Three-layered sandwich structured carbon film prepared by ECR ion/electron/ion alternative irradiation technigure, Surface & Coatings Technology, 278, 12-17, 2015. (IF: 2.139)
(14) Meiling Guo, Dongfeng Diao*, Lei Yang and Xue Fan, Restructured graphene sheets embedded carbon film by oxygen plasma etching and its tribological properties, Applied Surface Science, 357:771-776, 2015. (IF: 3.150)
(13) Zhiru Yang, Dongfeng Diao*, Hongyan Fan, Xue Fan, Experimenal study on Load Capacity of Nanoparticles-laden Gas Film in Thrust Bearing, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 67(3), 233-239, 2015.(IF: 0.406)
(12) Hongyan Fan, Xue Fan*, Zhiru Yang and, Dongfeng Diao*, The Lubrication Performance of Nanoparticles-Laden Gas Film in Thrust Bearing under Non-Contact and Contact Conditions, Journal of Tribology - Transactions of the ASME, 136: 034505, 2014. (IF: 1.101)
(11) Meiling Guo, Dongfeng Diao*, Xue Fan, Lei Yang, Liwei Yu, Scratch Behavior of Re-structured Carbon Coating by Oxygen Plasma Etching Technology for Magnetic Disk Application, Surface & Coatings Technology, 251: 128-134, 2014. (IF: 1.998)
(10) Cheng Chen, Dongfeng Diao*, Xue Fan, Lei Yang and Chao Wang, Frictional behavior of carbon film embedded with controlling-sized graphene nanocrystallites, Tribology Letters, 55: 429-435, 2014. (IF: 1.739)
(9) Zhiru Yang, Dongfeng Diao*, Xue Fan and Hongyan Fan, Nanoparticles-Laden Gas Film in Thrust Bearing, Journal of Tribology - Transactions of the ASME, 136: 034501, 2014. (IF: 1.101)
(8) Xue Fan, Kenji Nose, Dongfeng Diao*, and Toyonobu Yoshida, Nanoindentation behaviors of amorphous carbon films containing nanocrystalline graphite and diamond clusters prepared by radio frequency sputtering,  Applied Surface Science, 273:816-823, 2013. (IF: 2.112)
(7) Dongfeng Diao, Chao Wang, and Xue Fan*, Frictional behavior of nanostructured carbon films, Friction, 1(1):63-71, 2013.
(6) Xue Fan, and Dongfeng Diao*, Friction contact mechanisms of layered surface, Engineering Science, 11(1):16-23, 2013.
(5) Chao Wang, Dongfeng Diao*, Xue Fan, and Cheng Chen, Graphene Sheets Embedded Carbon Film Prepared by Electron Irradiation in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma, Applied Physics Letters, 100(23):231909, 2012. (IF:3.844)
(4) Xue Fan, Chao Wang, Lei Yang, Dongfeng Diao*, Co Filled Porous Anodic Alumina Film Fabricated on ECR-Al Film with Silicon Substrate, Rare Metal Materials Engineering, 41 (S1): 136-139, 2012. (IF:0.164)
(3) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao, Kai Wang, Chao Wang, Multi-Functional ECR Plasma Sputtering System for Preparing Amorphous Carbon and Al-O-Si Films, Surface & Coatings Technology, 206(7): 1963-1970, 2011. (IF:1.867)
(2) Xue Fan, and Dongfeng Diao, Contact Mechanisms of Transfer Layered Surface during Sliding Wear of Amorphous Carbon Film with Finite Element Analysis, Journal of Tribology - Transactions of the ASME, 133(4): 042301, 2011. (IF:1.196)
(1) Fuxun Li, Dongfeng Diao, and Xue Fan, The Critical Condition for Intrusion of A Steel Ball into Sliding Contact Space, Lubrication Science, 22(5):195-205, 2010. (IF:0.588)

(1) 范雪,刁东风,超薄纳米薄膜的划痕硬度评价方法及应用,深圳大学学报理工版,36(5): 510-518, 2019.

(1) 范雪,程蓉,工程制图手工测绘与三维建模、3D打印结合的多样化实践教学,教育现代化,2019,6(57):51-52+55
(2) 曹媛媛,范雪,程蓉,工程制图混合交互式教学改革的探索与实践,科教文汇,2021(34):85-87。
(3) 范雪、娄燕、程蓉,“课程-竞赛-项目”的进阶式拔尖创新人才培养模式研究,教育教学论坛,2023,17:11-14.


(24) Xue Fan, In-situ study on the low friction interface induced by the nanostructured carbon films, International Tribology Conference 2023, Fukuoka, Japan
(23) 范雪,纳米结构碳膜的透射电镜原位摩擦研究,第十五届全国摩擦学大会暨全国青年摩擦学学术会议,兰州,2023年4月24-27日。(邀请报告)
(22) Xue Fan, In-situ TEM studies on stick-slip friction characters of nanocrystallited carbon films, 7th World Tribology Congress (WTC2021), Lyon, France (online), July 10-15 2022. (Oral video)
(21) Xue Fan, In-situ study on superlow friction mechanism of carbon film, Sino-European Youth Forum in Tribology 2022, Beijing, China (online), July 30th 2022. (Invited)
(20) Xue Fan*, In-situ study on superlow friction mechanism of carbon film with interface contact electrons and shear stress, The 1st “Carbon2”Tribology Forum, November 4th 2021, Shenzhen, Invited presentation.  
(19) 范雪,平行电场与切应力作用下碳膜载流超低摩擦研究,第十六届全国物理力学学术会议,2021年8月14-15日,线上,邀请报告  
(18) Xue Fan*, In-situ study on the electro-mechanical stability and stick-slip friction of nanostructured carbon films, The 11th Nanomechanics Annual Scientific Seminor, June 1st 2021, Xi'an, Invited presentation.  
(17) 范雪,碳纳米表面粘着效应的透射电镜原位研究,第十四届全国摩擦学大会暨2019粤港澳大湾区摩擦学论坛,2019年11月10-13日,广州,邀请报告。
(16) 范雪,石墨烯纳晶碳膜的多尺度摩擦学特性及机理研究,2019东部地区摩擦学学术论坛,2019年6月15-16日,厦门,大会报告。
(15) Xue Fan, and Dongfeng Diao, Nanostructure induced mechanical and tribological properties of carbon films studied with in-situ TEM observation, International Tribology Conference 2019(ITC2019), Sendai, Japan, Sep 17-21, 2019. (Oral)
(14) Xue Fan, Meijie Yin and Dongfeng Diao, The in-situ mechanical and tribological properties of carbon nanosurface in TEM, 19th International Microscopy Congress(IMC19), Sydney, Australia, Sep 9-14, 2018. (Oral)
(13) Xue Fan, Cheng Chen, Meijie Yin and Dongfeng Diao, An in-situ test on the frictional behavior of carbon nanosurface in TEM, the 11th International Workshop on Materials Behavior at Micro- and Nano-Scale, Xi'an, China, June 8- 10, 2018. (Poster)
(12) Xue Fan, Saizhou Qiu and Dongfeng Diao, Nano-Contact Electromechanical Property of Graphene Nanocrystal Carbon Films Studied by In-situ Electrical Nanoindentation,  World Tribology Congress 2017, Beijing China, Sep. 17-22, 2017. (Oral)
(11) Saizhou Qiu, Xue Fan, Cheng Chen and Dongfeng Diao, Size Dependence of  Frictional Behavior of Graphene Nanocrystal Carbon Films, World Tribology Congress 2017, Beijing China, Sep. 17-22, 2017. (Oral)
(10) Xue Fan, and Dongfeng Diao, The nanoindentation and friction evolution of carbon nanosurface studied by in-situ TEM test, The 10th KH Kuo Summer School & the 10th International Workshop on Materials Behavior at Micro- and Nano-Scale, Xi'an, China, May 29- June 2, 2017. (poster)
(9) Xue Fan, Chao Wang, and Dongfeng Diao, Low Energy Ion Etching Induced Graphene Layer Cross-linking Nanocrystalline Carbon Films with High Hardness, 43th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 25-29, 2016. (poster)
(8) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao*, and Liwei Yu, Stick-slip friction of diamond tip on nanostructured carbon surface,World Tribology Congress 2013, Torino, Italy, September 8-13, 2013. (oral)
(7) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao*, and Lei Yang, Super smooth nano-structured carbon films with cross-linked graphitic sheets induced by ECR ion irradiation, 40th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 29-May 3, 2013. (poster)
(6) Xue Fan, Kenji Nose, Makoto Kambara, Dongfeng Diao and Toyonobu Yoshida, The Dependence of Mechanical Properties on the Nano Structures of Carbon Films Prepared by ECR and RF Plasma Sputtering, International Tribology Conference 2011, Hiroshima, Japan, October 30-November 3, 2011. (oral)
(5) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao, Kai Wang, and Chao Wang, Multi-Functional ECR Plasma Sputtering System for Preparing Amorphous Carbon and Al-O-Si Films, 38th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, May 2-6, 2011. (poster)
(4) Xue Fan, Effect of Graphite Nanocluster Contained in Amorphous Carbon Films on the Mechanical Properties with Nano Indentation, The China-Japan Joint Tribology Symposium between Xi'an Jiaotong University and Nagoya University, Nagoya, Oct. 27-30, 2011. (oral)
(3) Xue Fan, and Dongfeng Diao, Structure Effect on Mechanical Properties of ECR Plasma Sputtering Carbon Films, 6th China International Conference on Surface Engineering, Xi’an, China, May 10-13, 2011. (oral)
(2) Xue Fan, Chao Wang, Lei Yang, and Dongfeng Diao, Porous Anodic Alumina Films Filling with Magnetic Co Fabricated on ECR-Al Film with Silicon Substrate, 6th China International Conference on Surface Engineering, Xi’an, China, May 10-13, 2011.
(1) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao, Yan Chen, and Pengfei Wang, Tribological Behavior of MCECR Carbon-Based Nano Films, World Tribology Congress IV 2009, Kyoto, Japan, September 6-11, 2009. (poster)


(12) 范雪、袁小晴、胡泽龙,一种载流刻划实验装置及载流刻划实验系统,申请号:CN202210923577.4,申请日期:2022年08月02日,公开日期:2022-12-06。(公开)
(11) 范雪,杨智涛,刁东风,一种水平电子诱导非晶碳膜低摩擦磨损的方法,申请号:CN 202110051011.2,申请日期:2021年01月14日,授权日期:2023-05-02。(授权保护)
(10)范雪,黄文超,刁东风,一种石墨烯纳晶碳膜接触电特性的测试装置及方法,申请号:CN 201910758391.6,申请日期:2019年8月16日,授权日期:2021年10月22日。
(9)范雪,胡泽龙,刁东风,调节ECR离子照射密度控制石墨烯纳晶碳膜生长的方法,申请号:CN 201910568444.8,申请日期:2019年6月27日,授权日期:2021年12月07日。
(8)刁东风,范雪,陈成,一种ECR等离子体溅射装置及其溅射方法,专利号:ZL 201610103436.2,申请日期:2016年2月25日,授权日期:2018年2月13日。
(7)刁东风,陈成,郭美玲,范雪,一种ECR电子照射密度控制碳膜中纳晶石墨烯尺寸的方法,专利号:ZL 201410142670.7,申请日期:2014年4月10日,授权日期:2016年6月29日。
(6)刁东风,张文磊,范雪,杨雷,ECR离子/电子/离子交替照射工艺制备三明治碳膜及方法,专利号:ZL 201410546753.2,申请日期:2014年10月15日,授权日期:2016年12月7日。
(5)刁东风,胡改娟,范雪,杨雷,一种基于ECR电子照射硅基纳米结构碳膜的光电探测器及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 201510012151.3,申请日期:2015年1月9日,授权日期:2016年8月17日。
(4)刁东风,张冬青,范雪,原子力显微镜测量纳米薄膜材料电阻分布的装置及方法,专利号:ZL 201410014657.3,申请日期:2014年1月13日,授权日期:2016年1月13日。
(3)刁东风,郑煜东,范雪,ECR基板前置过滤网控制下的电子照射加工碳膜方法,专利号:ZL 201410140362.0,申请日期:2014年4月9日,授权日期:2016年4月27日。 
(2)刁东风,郭美玲,范雪,ECR氧-氩等离子体刻蚀技术制备的超薄碳膜及方法,专利号:ZL 201310728820.8,申请日期:2013年12月25日,授权日期:2016年3月30日。


2015.07  深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”(C类)
2016.06  深圳大学优秀共产党员
2017.12  深圳大学青年教师教学能力培养提升计划结题等级:优秀
2018.07  深圳大学第八届青年教师讲课竞赛:二等奖
2018.12  深圳大学优秀实习指导教师
2019.07  第十二届“高教杯”全国大学生先进成图技术与产品信息建模大赛  优秀指导教师  机械类三等奖
2020.11  第十三届“高教杯”全国大学生先进成图技术与产品信息建模大赛  优秀指导教师  机械类一等奖
2020.11  深圳大学“新锐研究生导师”
2021.04  广东省高校教师教学创新大赛个人(团体)副高组 二等奖
2021.07  第十四届“高教杯”全国大学生先进成图技术与产品信息建模大赛  优秀指导教师  机械类二等奖
2021.09  2020-2021学年教学工作“突出贡献奖”
2022.01  2021年度“腾讯优秀教师奖”
2022.07  第十五届“高教杯”全国大学生先进成图技术与产品信息建模大赛  优秀指导教师  机械类三等奖
2023.04  广东省高校教师教学创新大赛个人(团体) 新工科副高组 三等奖
2023.07  第十六届“高教杯”全国大学生先进成图技术与产品信息建模大赛  优秀指导教师  机械类二等奖


中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会第十届委员会 委员
广东省机械工程学会摩擦学分会 副理事长
中国机械工程学会  高级会员
中国微米纳米技术学会 高级会员
担任Nanoscale, IPOL, AIMS Materials Science等期刊的论文评审工作

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