
许佼      特聘研究员/副教授


邮箱: xujiao@szu.edu.cn

办公室: 致信楼S212

人才称号: 深圳市高层次人才“孔雀计划”C

最终学位: 工学博士


导师资格: 硕士生导师













代表期刊论文 :

I. 近五年
[1] Jiao Xu, Xianglong Yin, Junhua Yu, Yun Yang, Xiaoyu Zhao. Nuclear irradiation resistance of MoS2-based nanocomposite films: Insights from in situ macroscopic tribometry. Tribology International 2024, 200, 110158. (Q1, IF 6.1, top)
[2] Junhua Yu, Yuhang Liu, Jiao Xu*, Wenjun Liang, Wen Yue, Sudong Wu, Yun Yang, Jianjun Lin, Jingyan Nian, Dengji Guo, Xujin Wang. Effects of heavy-ion irradiation on the structure and anti-wear properties of polycrystalline diamond compacts for nuclear applications. Wear. 2023, 518, 204646. (Q1, IF 4.695, top)
[3] Jiao Xu*, Yuhang Liu, Zhenbin Guo, Wenjun Liang, Sudong Wu, Jianjun Lin, Jinyan Nian, Dengji Guo, Xujing Wang. Primary irradiation damages and tribological property evolutions of heavy-ion radiated microcrystalline diamond films grown by MPCVD. Diamond & Related Materials. 2023, 133, 109718. (Q2, IF 3.806)
[4] Pengbo Wei, Kai Yan, Jiao Xu*, Fuzeng Ren*. Exceptional strain hardening capacity of a medium-entropy alloy CoCrNi with grain size gradient structure. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 2023, in press, doi.org/10.1007/s11661-023-06988-z. (Q2, IF 2.726)
[5] Jiao Xu, Zhenbao Luo, Yulei Li, Yun Yang, Shiyuan Lai, Fuzeng Ren, Jianjun Lin, Dengji Guo*, Xujin Wang. Superior tolerance of nanocrystalline diamond films to heavy-ion irradiation: maintenance of solid lubrication properties. Applied Surface Science. 2022, 572, 151470. (Q1, IF 7.392, top)
[6] Jiao Xu, Zhenbao Luo, Yun Yang, Yuhang Liu,Fuzeng Ren, Jianjun Lin, Junhua Yu, Shiyuan Lai, He Zhang, Jiangtao Huang, Dengji Guo*, Bin He*, Xujin Wang. Quasi-saturation dependent wear resistance of nanocrystalline diamond films under heavy-ion irradiation with large displacement damage. Diamond & Related Materials. 2022, 123, 108889. (Q2, IF 3.806)
[7] Jiao Xu, Jun Dai, Fuzeng Ren, Yongfu Wang, Peng Wang, Shusheng Xu, Sudong Wu, Jianjun Lin, Yun Yang, Dengji Guo*, Xujin Wang. Ultrahigh radiation resistance of nanocrystalline diamond films for solid lubrication in harsh radiative environments. Carbon. 2021, 182, 525–536. (Q1, IF 11.309, top, 封面文章)
[8] Jiao Xu, Li Qiao, Zewen Duan, Dengji Guo, Liqiang Chai, Xiaoyu Zhao, Peng Wang*, Weimin Liu. Self-ion irradiation on hydrogenated amorphous carbon films at depth of adhesion interlayer: radiation-induced atomic intermixing and degraded film properties. Surface & Interface Analysis. 2020, 52, 553–568. (Q4, IF 1.702)
[9] Ziliang Zhu, Dengji Guo*, Jiao Xu*, Jianjun Lin, Jianguo Lei, Bin Xu, Xiaoyu Wu, Xujin Wang. Processing characteristics of micro electrical discharge machining for surface modification of TiNi shape memory alloys using a TiC powder dielectric. Micromachines. 2020, 11, 1018. (Q2, IF 3.523)
[10] Jiao Xu, Zewen Duan, Qiao Li, Liqiang Chai, Zhang Chen, Dengji Guo*, Peng Wang*, Weimin Liu. Nonuniform transitions of heavy-ion irradiated a-C:H films in depth direction - Structure and antiwear property degradation analysis. Carbon. 2019, 146, 200–209. (Q1, IF 11.309, top, 封面文章)
[11] Jiao Xu, Jingyan Nian#,*, Zhiguang Guo(*), Peng Wang*, Weimin Liu. Elastic lubricious effect of solidlike boundary film in oil-starvation lubrication. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2019, 123, 1677–1691. (Q2, IF 4.177)
[12] Zewen Duan, Li Qiao, Liqiang Chai, Jiao Xu*, Peng Wang*, Weimin Liu. Structure, Properties and growth mechanism of a self-assembled nanocylindrical MoS2/Mo-S-C composite film. Applied Surface Science. 2019, 465, 564–574. (Q1, IF 7.392, top)
[13] Shusheng Xu, Jiao Xu#, YuZhen Liu, Yong Hua, Zewen Duan, Yanan Wang*, Anne Neville*, Xiaoming Gao. Constructing mono-/di-/tri-types of active sites in MoS2 film toward understanding their electrocatalytic activity for the hydrogen evolution. ACS applied energy materials. 2019, 2, 8974–8984. (Q1, IF 6.959)
[14] Zewen Duan, Xiaoyu Zhao, Zhenggang Nai, Li Qiao, Jiao Xu*, Peng Wang*. Mo-S-Ti-C nanocomposite films for solid-state lubrication. ACS Applied Nano Materials. 2019, 2, 1302–1312. (Q2, IF 6.140)
[15] Yanlong Fu, Tengfei He, Jiao Xu*, Bo Mu, Xianjuan Pang, Wu Yang*, Peng Wang. Structure, mechanical and tribological properties of MoSN/MoS2 multilayer films. Coatings. 2019, 9, 108. (Q2, IF 3.236)
II. 其他
[15] Jiao Xu, Tengfei He, Liqiang Chai, Li Qiao, Peng Wang*, Weimin Liu. Selective-releasing-affected lubricant mechanism of self-assembled MoS2/Mo-S-C nanoperiod multilayer film sliding in diverse atmospheres. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017, 19, 8161–8173. (Q1, IF 3.945, top, 内封面文章)
[16] Jiao Xu, Tengfei He, Liqiang Chai, Li Qiao, Peng Wang*, Weimin Liu. Growth and characteristics of self-assembled MoS2/Mo-S-C nanoperiod multilayers for enhanced tribological performance. Scientific Reports. 2016, 6, 25378-1–10. (Q2, IF 4.996)
[17] Jiao Xu, LiQiang Chai, Li Qiao, TengFei He, Peng Wang*. Influence of C dopant on the structure, mechanical and tribological properties of r.f.-sputtered MoS2/a-C composite films. Applied Surface Science. 2016, 364, 249–256. (Q1, IF 7.392, top)
[18] Jiao Xu*, Masahiro Kawaguchi, Takahisa Kato. Evolution of transfer layers on steel balls sliding against hydrogenated amorphous carbon coatings in ambient air. Tribology International. 2014, 70, 42–51. (Q1, IF 5.620, top)
[19] Jiao Xu*, Sadayuki Watanabe, Hideo Hayashi, Masahiro Kawaguchi, Takahisa Kato. Structural characterization of ion-vapor deposited hydrogenated amorphous carbon coatings by solid state 13C NMR. Journal of Applied Physics. 2014, 115, 014303 (Q2, IF 2.877)


[1] 许佼等.重离子辐照作用下固体润滑材料结构演变与性能退化研究.第十四届全国摩擦学大会暨2019年全国青年摩擦学学术会议. 广州, 2019.11.10-2019.11.13, 口头报告.
[2] 许佼等.典型固体润滑材料重离子辐照损伤行为研究.广东省粤港澳大湾区青年摩擦学论坛. 深圳, 2018.12.23, 邀请报告.
[3] Jiao Xu, et al. Frictional Behavior and Lubricating Mechanism of Nanostructural Mo-S-C Coatings in Different Sliding Conditions, World Tribology Congress 2017, Beijing, China, 2017.9.17-2017.9.22, Oral presentation.
[4] 许佼等,自形成纳米多层薄膜MoS2/Mo-S-C 的制备及其选择性转移行为研究. 第十一届全国表面工程大会暨第八届全国青年表面工程学术会议. 成都, 2016.10.22-2016.10.25, 口头报告.






国际摩擦学领域高水平SCI期刊Friction、Tribology International、Vacuum审稿人

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