
龚峰      教授


邮箱: gongfeng@szu.edu.cn

办公室: 致信楼S615

人才称号: 深圳市后备级人才

最终学位: 博士

办公电话: 0755-26558509

导师资格: 博士生导师








2006年08月-2010年07月 哈尔滨工业大学,微系统与微结构制造重点实验室,博士;
2004年08月-2006年07月 哈尔滨工业大学,金属精密热加工重点实验室,硕士;
2000年09月-2004年07月 湘潭大学,机械工程学院,学士。


2019年12月至今 深圳大学,机电与控制工程学院,教授;
2013年12月-2019年11月 深圳大学,机电与控制工程学院,副教授;
2010年07月-2013年11月 深圳大学,机电与控制工程学院,讲师。


13.国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目, U2341272, 微纳光学元件辊对板热压印成型基础研究, 2024/01-2027/12, 259万元, 在研, 主持.
12.******基金, ******制造技术, 2023/11-2025/11, 180万元, 在研, 主持.
11.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 52171076, 纳米CrWN-PtIr复合涂层长效抗粘着摩擦机理研究, 2022/01-2025/12, 58万元, 在研, 主持.
10. 深圳市人才和载体专项, ZDSYS20200811143757023, 深圳市高性能特种制造重点实验室, 2021/04-2023/03, 500万元, 已结题(优秀), 主持.
9. 深港创新圈联合研发项目, SGDX20190919094403772, 研发精密玻璃功能微纳结构的辊对板热压印加工技术及装备, 2020/10-2022/09, 300万元, 已结题, 主持.
8. ******项目,******调控研究, 2018/11-2020/10, 100万元, 已结题, 主持.
7. 广东省自然科学基金项目, 2018A030313466, 光学玻璃精密模压成形工艺基础研究, 2018/05-2021/04, 10万元, 已结题, 主持.
6. ******重点项目, ******成形技术, 2018/01-2020/12, 20万元, 已结题, 深圳大学方主持.
5. 深港创新圈联合研发项目, SGLH20150213170331329, 精密玻璃光学显微结构的微纳印压装置及加工技术之研发, 2015/11-2018/10, 300万元, 已结题, 主持.
4. 中国兵器工业第五九研究所项目, ******作用机制, 2015/07-2015/11, 9.6万元, 已结题, 主持.
3. 深圳市基础研究项目, JCYJ20150625102923775, 金属薄板高分子粉末介质软模微成形工艺与应用基础研究, 2015/10-2017/09, 30万元, 已结题, 主持.
2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 51205258, 薄板微成形摩擦尺寸效应及其模具表面固体润滑薄膜改性研究, 2013/01-2015/12, 25万元, 已结题, 主持.
1. 广东高校优秀青年创新人才培养项目, 2012LYM-0113, T2紫铜盒形件微拉深成形研究, 2012/12-2014/12, 3万元, 已结题, 主持.

代表期刊论文 :

[44] Jianzhi Li, Jiashun Liu, Feng Gong*, Gao Yang*. Effect of process parameters on filling behavior of PMMA in hot embossing. Microsystem Technologies. 2024, 30: 845-858.
[43] Weilun Zhang, Di Yang, Feng Gong*, Yongjun Chen*, Tian Chen, Zhiwen Xie*, Sirui Yang. Understanding the role of Pt addition on structure and thermal stability of CrWN glass molding coating in nitrogen molding atmosphere. Vacuum. 2024, 220: 112815.
[42] Kangsen Li, Guihao Lian, Daohang Yan, Zhenlong Wang, Feng Gong*. Spatial gas effect on the deformation behavior of embossed glass microstructures in hot embossing. Ceramics International. 2023, 49: 32558-32567.
[41] Feng Gong*, Guihao Lian, Zhenlong Wang, Kangsen Li*. A Controllable Interface Design and Manufacturing Strategy for Embossed Glass Hierarchical Nano-Lens. Materials & Design. 2023, 233: 112278.
[40] Feng Gong, Yihe Wang, Weilun Zhang, Hao Ren*, Jie Li, Zhiwen Xie*. Understanding the effect of Pt doping on the microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of CrN coating. Ceramics International. 2023, 49: 22332-22339.
[39] Kangsen Li, Zhenlong Wang*, Feng Gong*. The evolution and generation of nano-surfaces and its micro-contact mechanism in glass embossing process. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2022, 105: 4655-4668.
[38] Kangsen Li, Fei Sun, Zhenlong Wang, Feng Gong*. Boundary effect of the glass micro-lens array in partial-filling hot embossing. Optical Engineering. 2022, 61: 035107.
[37] Shengdi Sun, Kangsen Li*, Wenyan Chu, Feng Gong*. Tungsten carbide molds for precision glass molding process: mechanism of high-temperature degradation. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 2022, 105: 105841.
[36] Jiaqi Ran, Gangping Chen, Fuxing Zhong, Li Xu, Teng Xu*, Feng Gong*. The Influence of Size Effect to Deformation Mechanism of C5131 Bronze Structures of Negative Poisson’s Ratio. Processes. 2022, 10: 652.
[35] Chao Feng, Xinfang Huang, Kangsen Li, Kai Dong, Xu Gao, Guangsheng Wei*, Feng Gong*. Tailoring growth structure and oxidation performance of CrWN glass molding coating via Pt and Ir doping. Ceramics International. 2022, 48: 10574-10578.
[34] Kangsen Li, Gang Xu, Xiaobin Wen, Jun Zhou, Feng Gong*. High-temperature friction behavior of amorphous carbon coating in glass molding process. Friction. 2021, 9: 1648-1659.
[33] Sirui Cheng, Jiang Ma*, Feng Gong*, Jun Shen. Thermoplastic forming of a hydrophilic surface with a nanostructure array on Zr-Cu-Ni-Al-Y bulk metallic glass. Metals. 2021, 11: 1520.
[32] Xiaohua Liu, Ruodong Mo, Kangsen Li, Jun Shen, Jiang Ma*, Feng Gong*. Manufacturing of 3D microlens array mold on bulk metallic glass by self-aligned multi-ball hot embossing. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology. 2021, 8: 1209-1223.
[31] Xiaohua Liu, Kangsen Li, Jun Shen, Feng Gong*. Hot embossing of moth eye-like nanostructure array on transparent glass with enhanced antireflection for solar cells. Ceramics International. 2021, 47: 18367-18375.
[30] Feng Guo, Kangsen Li, Xinfang Huang, Zhiwen Xie*, Feng Gong*. Understanding the wear failure mechanism of TiAlSiCN nanocomposite coating at evaluated temperatures. Tribology International. 2021, 154: 106716.
[29] Yanlong Li, Kangsen Li, Feng Gong*. Fabrication and optical characterization of polymeric aspherical microlens array using hot embossing technology. Applied Sciences. 2021, 11: 882.
[28] Chao Yan, Kaizhe Chen, Feng Gong*. Precision micromassive forming of microgears at different temperatures. Strength of Materials. 2021, 53: 55-64.
[27] Kangsen Li, Gang Xu, Xiaohua Liu, Feng Gong*. Deformation behavior of glass nanostructures in hot embossing. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2020, 12: 36311-36319.
[26] Jiaqi Ran, Guoqing Zhang, Gangping Chen, Jilai Wang, Banglin Deng,Mikhail Petrovich Kuz'min, Teng Xu*, Feng Gong*. A multi–strain-rate damage model on fracture prediction in single-point diamond turning process.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2020, 110: 2753-2765.
[25] Feng Guo, Xinfang Huang, Zhiwen Xie*, Kangsen Li, Feng Gong*, Yongjun Chen, Qiang Chen. Understanding the age-hardening mechanism of CrWN coating. Thin Solid Films. 2020, 711: 138298.
[24] Kangsen Li, Gang Xu, Hexi Luo, Xiaohua Liu, Feng Gong*. Glass flow behaviors in micro-channels during hot embossing. Ceramics International. 2020, 46: 21517-21526.
[23] Kangsen Li,Xinfang Huang, Qiang Chen, Gang Xu, Zhiwen Xie*, Yuanyuan Wan, Feng Gong*. Flexible fabrication of optical glass micro-lens array by using contactless hot embossing process. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2020, 57: 469-476.
[22] Kangsen Li, Gang Xu, Xinfang Huang, Qiang Chen, Zhiwen Xie*, Feng Gong*. Surface evolution analysis of CrxWyNz coatings on WC mold in glass molding process. Surface & Coatings Technology. 2020, 393: 125839.
[21] Xinfang Huang, Zhiwen Xie*, Kangsen Li, Qiang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Feng Gong*. Thermal stability of CrWN glass molding coatings after vacuum annealing. Coatings, 2020, 10: 198.
[20] Kangsen Li, Kai Jiang, Gang Xu, Xiaohua Liu, Feng Gong*. Experimental and simulated analysis of glass deformation and filling modes during partial-filling hot embossing process. Ceramics International. 2020, 46: 8059-8067.
[19] Xinfang Huang, Zhiwen Xie*, Kangsen Li, Qiang Chen, Feng Gong*, Yongjun Chen, Bo Feng, Suying Hu, Yan Chen, Bing Han, Di Wu. Microstructure, wear and oxidation resistance of CrWN glass molding coatings synthesized by plasma enhanced magnetron sputtering. Vacuum. 2020, 174: 109206.
[18] Zhiwen Xie, Feng Guo, Xinfang Huang, Kangsen Li, Qiang Chen*, Yongjun Chen, Feng Gong*. Understanding the anti-wear mechanism of SiCpWE43 magnesium matrix composite. Vacuum. 2020, 172: 109049.
[17] Xinfang Huang, Zhiwen Xie*, Kangsen Li, Qiang Chen, Feng Gong*, Yongjun Chen, Bo Feng, Yan Chen, Yuanyuan Wan. Effect of annealing environment on the microstructure and mechanical property of CrWN glass molding coating. Surface & Coatings Technology. 2020, 383: 125281.
[16] Kangsen Li, Gang Xu, Xinfang Huang, Zhiwen Xie*, Feng Gong*. Temperature effect on the deformation and optical quality of moulded glass lenses in precision glass moulding. International Journal of Applied Glass Science. 2020, 11: 185-194.
[15] Jiang Ma, Can Yang, Xiaodi Liu, Baoshuang Shang, Quanfeng He, Fucheng Li, Tianyu Wang, Dan Wei, Xiong Liang, Xiaoyu Wu, Yunjiang Wang, Feng Gong*, Pengfei Guan*, Weihua Wang*, Yong Yang*. Fast surface dynamics enabled cold joining of metallic glasses. Science Advances. 2019, 5: eaax7256.
[14] Jiaqi Ran, Li Xu, Jilai Wang, Teng Xu, Feng Gong*. Influence of dead metal zone on dislocation strengthening effect during micro-progressive forming. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2019, 105: 1129-1141.
[13] Kangsen Li, Gang Xu, Xinfang Huang, Zhiwen Xie, Feng Gong*. Manufacturing of micro-lens array using contactless micro-embossing with an EDM-mold. Applied Sciences. 2019, 9: 85.
[12] Canbin Zhang, Jiang Ma, Xiong Liang, Feng Luo, Rong Cheng, Feng Gong*. Fabrication of metallic bipolar plate for proton exchange membrane fuel cells by using polymer powder medium based flexible forming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2018, 262: 32-40.
[11] Canbin Zhang, Feng Gong*. Deep drawing of cylindrical cups using polymer powder medium based flexible forming. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology. 2018, 5(1): 63-70.
[10] Qiang Chen, Zhiwen Xie*, Tian Chen, Feng Gong*. Tribocorrosion failure mechanism of TiN/SiOx duplex coating deposited on AISI304 stainless steel. Materials. 2016, 9: 963.
[9] Feng Gong, Shunhua Chen, Jiaqi Ran, Zhi Yang, Jiang Ma*. Tuning the performance of bulk metallic glasses by milling artificial holes. Materials Science & Engineering A. 2016, 668: 50-54.
[8] Jiang Ma, Feng Gong*, Zhi Yang, Wenqin Zeng. Microdeep drawing of C1100 microsquare cups using microforming technology. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2016, 82: 1363-1369.
[7] Feng Gong*, Zhi Yang, Qiang Chen, Zhiwen Xie, Dayu Shu, Jiali Yang. Influences of lubrication conditions and blank holder force on micro deep drawing of C1100 micro conical-cylindrical cup. Precision Engineering. 2015, 42: 224-230.
[6] Jiang Ma, Xiong Liang, Xiaoyu Wu, Zhiyuan Liu, Feng Gong*. Sub-second thermoplastic forming of bulk metallic glasses by ultrasonic beating. Scientific Reports. 2015, 5: 17844.
[5] Feng Gong*, Bin Guo. Size effects on mechanical properties of copper thin sheet in uniaxial tensile tests. Materials Science (Medziagotyra). 2014, 20(4): 509-512.
[4] Tian Chen, Zhiwen Xie*, Feng Gong*, Zhuangzhu Luo, Zhi Yang. Correlation between microstructure evolution and high temperatureproperties of TiAlSiN hard coatings with different Si and Al content. Applied Surface Science. 2014, 314: 735-745.
[3] Feng Gong*, Bin Guo. Effects of solid lubrication film on SKD11 in micro sheet forming. Surface & Coatings Technology. 2013, 232: 814-820.
[2] Feng Gong*, Bin Guo. Effects of influencing factors on friction coefficient in microsheet forming. Materials Research Innovations. 2013, 17(S1): s7-s11.
[1] Feng Gong*, Bin Guo, Chunju Wang, Debin Shan. Micro deep drawing of micro cups by using DLC film coated blank holders and dies. Diamond & Related Materials. 2011, 20(2): 196-200.
[3] 冉家琪, 徐力, 王继来, 龚峰*.多应变速率下尺寸效应对黄铜微尺度塑性变形本构及损伤演化的影响. 机械工程学报. 2019, 55(16): 69-76.
[2] 龚峰*, 李康森, 闫超. 玻璃精密模压成形的研究进展. 光学精密工程. 2018, 26(6): 1380-1391
[1] 龚峰*, 张顺, 吴挺岛. 1060纯铝微杯形件微拉深成形研究. 机械工程学报. 2014. 50(24): 44-49.


[8] 龚峰, 陈凯哲,张灿滨, 闫超, 李康森. 一种模具装置以及桌面级光学玻璃模压设备. 2023.03.28, 中国发明专利, ZL202010454667.4
[7] 龚峰, 张灿滨, 陈凯哲, 闫超, 李康森. 一种胀形装置. 2022.03.22, 中国发明专利, ZL202010454674.4
[6] 龚峰, 闫超, 罗和喜. 一种齿轮成形方法. 2022.03.18, 中国发明专利, ZL202110126150.7
[5] 龚峰, 李康森, 王小权, 李积彬.一种光学非球面玻璃模压成型设备. 2019.08.09, 中国发明专利, ZL201710124489.7
[4] 龚峰, 何国良, 李积彬. 一种玻璃模压工艺. 2019.04.12, 中国发明专利, ZL201610471397.1
[3] 龚峰. 微沟道高分子粉末成形方法. 2019.02.01, 中国发明专利, ZL 201610403215.7
[2] 龚峰, 王小权, 李积彬. 一种光学精密非球面玻璃模压成型设备. 2018.11.23, 中国发明专利, ZL 201610466610.X
[1] 龚峰, 马将. 一种大拉深比的微拉深件成形方法, 2016.06.08, 中国发明专利, ZL201410773197.2


[4] 深圳市优秀教师. 深圳市教育局, 2023.09.
[3] 复杂微结构件精密可控成形关键技术及应用. 广东省科技进步奖二等奖(1/8), 广东省人民政府, 2022.03.
[2] 三维叠层微电极关键成形工艺技术及其产业化应用. 广东省科技进步奖二等奖(4/10), 广东省人民政府, 2019.03.
[1] 腾讯良师奖. 深圳大学/腾讯基金会, 2016.12.


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