
陈张伟      教授


邮箱: chen@szu.edu.cn

办公室: 机电楼S704/汇星楼1010

人才称号: 广东省特支计划高层次人才、广东省高校优秀青年创新人才、深圳市孔雀计划海外高层次人才、斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家、国际先进材料学会会士(IAAM Fellow)

最终学位: 博士

办公电话: 请优先邮件联系

导师资格: 博士生导师、硕士生导师


【个人简介】Personal Profile
陈张伟,深圳大学长聘教授、博士生导师、增材制造研究所所长、深圳大学优秀学者、增材制造方向带头人,广东省特支计划高层次人才、广东省高校优秀青年创新人才。以第一完成人获得广东省科学技术二等奖(自然科学奖)1项、深圳市科学技术一等奖(自然科学奖)1项。连续3年入选斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家年度影响力榜单(2021/2022/2023),2022年当选国际先进材料协会会士(IAAM Fellow)曾获得2015年度帝国理工John Kilner优秀博士论文奖、2020年度中国硅酸盐学会特陶优青奖、2020年度中国产学研合作创新奖、2018年度深圳大学百篇优秀本科毕业论文指导教师、2023年度和2024年度深圳大学百篇优秀硕士学位论文指导教师、2019年度深圳大学新锐研究生导师、2022年度深圳大学优秀研究生导师、2021年深圳大学优秀学者、2023年广东省优秀创新创业导师奖、国际先进材料学会科学家奖、中国医疗器械行业协会增材医疗专委会团标“杰出贡献专家”、J Adv Ceram优秀编委等荣誉。指导学生获中国国际互联网+大学生创新创业大赛和挑战杯等竞赛广东省银奖3项、广东省金奖1项、国家铜奖2项。
2007年起在国内较早研究陶瓷等材料的增材制造,至今发表高水平论文140余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Progress in Materials Science (IF=48.17一区TOP)、Nano Energy (IF=19.07一区TOP)、Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF=16.80一区TOP)、Additive Manufacturing (11篇、IF=11.63一区TOP)、Journal of Advanced Ceramics (5篇、IF=11.53一区TOP)、Virtual and Physical Prototyping (IF=10.96一区TOP)、Journal of Materials Science & Technology (IF=10.32一区TOP)、Materials Research Letter(IF=8.52一区TOP)、Journal of the European Ceramic Society (IF=6.36二区TOP)、《机械工程学报》、《无机材料学报》等涵盖增材制造和陶瓷金属领域的权威期刊累计发表论文90余篇(其中40篇IF>5、20篇IF>10),近5年被美国国家工程院院士、中国科学院院士等国内外权威学者及Nature和Science子刊、Advanced Materials等系列权威期刊SCI他引逾4000次,单篇最高SCI他引900余次,入选ESI全球高被引论文和热点论文9篇次,申请和授权发明专利30项。成果亦被《科技日报》、《新华网》、《人民网》、《环球网》等媒体长篇专访报道转载,以及3DPRINT、3D Printing Industry等外文媒体长文报道。
受邀担任领域内11家权威SCI和EI等期刊编委/青年编委/客座编委,包括Journal of Advanced Ceramics (SCI)、Journal of Materials Science & Technology (SCI)、Rare Metals (SCI)、Engineering Reports (SCI)、《无机材料学报》(SCI)、《机械工程学报》(EI)、《材料工程》(EI)、Materials Science in Additive Manufacturing、Additive Manufacturing Frontiers、《精密成型工程》等。受Additive Manufacturing Frontiers、《无机材料学报》、《材料工程》等邀请担任“增材制造”专刊特邀主编6次。受邀参编国家出版基金项目“增材制造技术丛书”之《陶瓷光固化增材制造技术》等4本。受邀担任中国机械工程学会《2021版中国机械工程技术发展路线图》陶瓷光固化增材制造路线图制订专家。作为创始人并任主席在深圳发起创办全国250多名学者参加的2021年“第一届中国陶瓷增材制造前沿科学家论坛”,并入选“中国科协重要会议指南”。组织举办在美国、日本、韩国、加拿大等地举行的ICC8、ICACC22、PACRIM14、CICC12等领域内重要国际会议“增材制造分论坛”,担任论坛主席并做特邀报告20余次。

Professor (tenured) Zhangwei Chen is currently the Director of the Additive Manufacturing Institute at Shenzhen University. Prof. Chen holds a Ph.D. from Imperial College London (2014), with his PhD thesis awarded the prestigious John Kilner Prize. He has received the First Prize of Shenzhen Science and Technology Award. He is the Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) and Stanford 2% Global Top Scientists for the year 2021-2023. He is now an editor of a number of journals, including Journal of Materials Science & Technology (SCI), Journal of Advanced Ceramics (SCI), Rare Metals (SCI), Engineering Reports (SCI), Journal of Inorganic Materials (SCI), Materials Science in Additive Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing Frontiers, and Journal of Mechanical Engineering (EI, in Chinese), Journal of Materials Engineering (EI, in Chinese), guest editor of 6 special issues, a board member of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering - Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) Branch, Chinese Materials Research Society – Additive Manufacturing Branch, and the Chinese Ceramic Society Testing Branch. He has been working on the fields of materials processing, advanced manufacturing and characterizations etc. He has spent over 15 years particularly on the research of 3D printing of ceramics and the property-structure relationships. Prof. Chen is PI or Co-I of over 30 projects supported by NSFC, Guangdong Province and Shenzhen City. He has published over 130 peer-reviewed articles in various top academic journals including Progress in Materials Science (IF=48.17), Nano Energy (IF=19.07), Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF=16.80), Additive Manufacturing (11, IF=11.63), Journal of Advanced Ceramics (5, IF=11.53), Virtual and Physical Prototyping (IF=10.96), Journal of Materials Science & Technology (IF=10.32), Materials Research Letter (IF=8.52), Journal of the European Ceramic Society (IF=6.36) etc. Some have been selected as front cover articles, feature articles and review articles. He has also actively engaged in the organization/chairing of national/international conferences and forums including the 1st National Forum on Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics (FAME). He is also a panel referee of funding agents in an international level, including European Commission, Canada EPSRC, Singapore A STAR Fund, New Zealand Marsden Fund, Switzerland, NSFC and so on. Prof. Chen works closely with domestic and overseas research institutes and industries related to 3D printing domains. He has supervised 8 postdocs, 7 PhD students and over 35 master students.

【长期招聘博士后】Postdoc positions (for Chinese and Foreigners) available
●Postdoc positions on 3D printing available (annual salary before tax. up to CN480000RMB=UK £552.7k=US$67.8k)
●Contact me via chen@szu.edu.cn for more details.
AMI-SZU is a group now consisting of 5 overseas-returnee faculty members, 2 research fellow, 8 post-docs and over 50 post-graduate research students, all working on the additive manufacturing-related fields, covering material preparations, technique research, equipment development and application exploration. AMI-SZU now is equipped with a wide range of 3D printing machines, with techniques used such as SLA, DLP, SLM, LMD, bio-printing, electro-spinning, low-temperature direct writing, inkjet printing and two-photon polymerization. We also have a large number of facilities for material synthesis, processing and characterization.

【研究领域】Research Interests
●增材制造与3D打印;Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing
●高性能陶瓷增材制造研究;Additive manufacturing of high performance ceramics;
●陶瓷基材料开发,包括陶瓷粉体浆料和前驱体陶瓷;Development of ceramic-based materials for 3D printing;
●结构和功能陶瓷及器件制备与性能检测;Structural and functional ceramic devices and characterizations;
●结构-性能一体化设计与3D打印研究;Integral structure-property design and 3D printing;
●树脂等有机高分子材料3D打印;3D printing of polymer-based materials;
●金属材料3D打印;3D printing of metals;
●涉及的3D打印工艺包括:光固化、喷墨、挤出直写、激光选区熔化等。Methods used include: photopolymerization, inkjet printing, direct ink writing and selective laser melting.

【本人课题组成员】My Group Members
Karim Khan (中科院宁波材料所,专职副研究员)
R Chaudhary(IIT Bombay印度理工孟买分校)
S Rasaki(中国科学院大学)
M Idrees(西北工业大学)
Muhammad Hanif(华中科技大学)
Ali Asghar(拔尖人才一等奖学金获得者)
Muhammad Hamza(拔尖人才一等奖学金获得者)
Shahbaz Muhammad(拔尖人才二等奖学金获得者)
Saqib Muhammad(拔尖人才二等奖学金获得者)
Raza Mohsin(拔尖人才二等奖学金获得者)
Arshad Qumail(拔尖人才二等奖学金获得者)
Amir Abdelmaseeh(博士,埃及Ain Shams University)


● 机械专业英语
● 3D打印创新实践
● 机械工程专业导论


● 3D打印导论与应用
● 专业英语
● Additive Manufacturing Technology (博士课程)


2010–2014   英国帝国理工学院材料系               博士学位
2007–2010   西安交通大学机械工程及其自动化系        硕士学位
2005–2007   法国里昂中央理工大学                工程师学位
2003–2007   西安交通大学机械工程及其自动化系        学士学位


2021–     深圳大学增材制造研究所               长聘教授、所长、优秀学者
2018–2021   深圳大学增材制造研究所               教授、执行所长
2016–2018   深圳大学增材制造研究所               副教授、副所长
2014–2016   英国帝国理工学院材料系               博士后


【After Joining SZU加入深圳大学后】
1.    国家自然科学基金面上项目,2025-2028,主持
2.    国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020-2023,主持(优秀结题)
3.    广东省高校重点项目,2022-2025,主持
4.    广东省激光与增材制造重大专项课题,2020-2023,主持
5.    广东省特支计划人才项目,2022-2025,主持
6.    广东省高校青年创新人才项目,2018-2019,结题,主持;
7.    广东省基础与应用基础研究基金面上项目,2024-2026,主持
8.    广东省基础与应用基础研究基金面上项目,2020-2022,主持
9.    深圳市国际合作项目,2022-2024,主持
10.    深圳市高校稳定支持项目,2021-2023,主持
11.    深圳市基础研究面上项目,2020-2023,主持
12.    深圳市孔雀计划高端人才启动项目,2019-2021,主持
13.    深圳市海外高层次人才技术创新项目,2018-2020,主持;
14.    深圳大学-台北科技大学合作项目,2023-2023,主持
15.    深圳大学-台北科技大学合作项目,2021-2021,主持
16.    深圳大学青年教师启动项目,2018-2022,主持;
17.    国家重点实验室开放课题,2021-2023,主持
18.    中核集团领创项目,2023-2026,主持
19.    华为战略研究院企业横向课题,2020-2022,主持
20.    企业横向课题,2023-2024,主持
21.    企业横向课题,2019-2021,主持
22.    国家自然科学基金青年项目,2018-2020,第一参与
23.    广东省重大科技专项项目,2017-2020,第一参与
24.    深圳市海外高层次人才孔雀创新项目,2017-2019,第一参与

【Before Joining SZU加入深圳大学之前】
25.    英国工程和自然科学研究委员会(EPSRC)项目,2015-05至2018-04,参与
26.    英国工程和自然科学研究委员会(EPSRC)项目,2009-09至2014-02,参与
27.    英国工程和自然科学研究委员会(EPSRC)项目,2008-03至2013-02,参与
28.    国家自然科学基金重点项目,2009-01至2012-12,参与
29.    国家973重点基础研究发展计划课题,2007-01至2011-12,参与
30.    美国波音公司-西安交通大学国际合作项目,2007-01至2009-12,参与
31.    教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划,2007-01至2009-12,参与

代表期刊论文 :

[1]    Su, F., Li, Y., Xing, H., Liu, Y., Liu, Z., Liu, C., ... & Chen, Z.* (2024). Additive manufacturing of high-quality tritium breeding pebbles using ceramic precursors. Journal of the European Ceramic Society.
[2]    Romario, Y. S., Bhat, C., Ramezani, M., Pasang, T., Chen, Z.*, & Jiang, C. P.* (2024). Fabrication of translucent graded dental crown using zirconia-yttrium multi-slurry tape casting 3D printer. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 106406.
[3]    Liu C, Zheng C, Zhang S, …Chen, Z. Machine learning-assisted high precision predictive modelling of convective heat transfer in fluid channels fabricated by laser powder bed fusion[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2024, 197: 108826.
[4]    Wang, X., Xiong, D., & Chen, Z.* (2023). Effective post-processing strategies of inkjet-printed ceramic cathodes for improved fuel cell performance. Ceramics International, 49(24), 40593-40600.
[5]    Wang, P., Lei, Y., Ma, J., Song, K., Deng, L., Liu, Z., Chen, Z.... & Eckert, J. (2023). Influence of Mo micro-particles on crack formation, microstructure, and mechanical behaviour of laser powder bed fusion fabricated CuZrAl bulk metallic glass composites. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 18(1), e2224307.
[6]    Yu, S. J., Wang, P., Li, H. C., Setchi, R., Wu, M. W., Liu, Z. Y., Chen, Z.... & Zhang, L. C. (2023). Heterogeneous microstructure and mechanical behaviour of Al-8.3 Fe-1.3 V-1.8 Si alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 18(1), e2155197.
[7]    Liu, K., He, J., Li, T., Hu, J., Du, Y., Shi, Y., Chen, Z..... & Sun, H. (2023). Fabrication of Ceramic-polymer Piezo-composites with Triply Periodic Minimal Interfaces via Digital Light Processing. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers, 2(4), 100104.
[8]    Chen, Z.*, Colombo, P., Günster, J., & Kirihara, S. (2023). Additive Manufacturing (AM) of Advanced Ceramics: From Materials, Structural Designing, AM Technologies, to Performance of Printed Components. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers, 100105.
[9]    Lin, X., Long, Z., Jiang, L., Liu, Z., Liu, C., & Chen, Z.* (2023). 3D printed crack-free SiOC (Fe) structures with pyrolysis-induced carbon nanowires for enhanced wave absorption performance. Ceramics International, 49(20), 33205-33213.
[10]    Ali Asghar, M.S. Rashid, Yasir Javed, Sajad Hussain, Naveed Akhtar Shad, Muhammad Hamza, Zhangwei Chen* (2023). Facile hydrothermal synthesis of MoS2 nano-worms-based aggregate as electrode material for high energy density asymmetric supercapacitor, Electrochimica Acta, 465, 143011
[11]    Asghar, A., Chen, Z., Al-Harthi, E. A., Hakami, J., Rashid, M. S., Sultana, H., ... & Imran, M. (2023). High‐Performance Electrode Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices Based on Microrod‐Like Structures of Calcium Phosphate (Ca2P2O7). physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters, 17(10), 2300178.
[12]    Wang, X., Gao, D., Su, F., Zheng, Y., Li, X., Liu, Z., ... & Chen, Z.* (2023). Photopolymerization 3D printing of luminescent ceramics. Additive Manufacturing, 73, 103695.
[13]    Li, Y., Li, J., Liu, Z., Chen, Z., & Liu, C. (2023). Performance evaluation of a novel synchronously interdigitated/winded lithium-ion battery configuration enabled by 3D printing through numerical simulations. Journal of Physics: Energy.
[14]    Xiao, C., Zheng, K., Chen, S., Li, N., Shang, X., Wang, F., ... & Chen, Z.* (2023). Additive manufacturing of high solid content lunar regolith simulant paste based on vat photopolymerization and the effect of water addition on paste retention properties. Additive Manufacturing, 71, 103607.
[15]    Lin, X., Gong, H., & Chen, Z.* (2023). Fabrication of SiCN (Fe)/Al2O3 wave-absorbing ceramics with enhanced electromagnetic performance. Ceramics International.
[16]    Mwizerwa, J. P., Xu, K., Liu, C., Zhao, N., Li, Y., Ndagijimana, P., ... Chen, Z., & Shen, J. (2023). Three-dimensional printed Li4Ti5O12@ VSe2 composites as high-performance anode material in full 3D-printed lithium-ion batteries with three-dimensional-printed LiFePO4@ AC/rGO cathode. Materials Today Chemistry, 29, 101483.
[17]    Idrees, M., Batool, S., Din, M. A. U., Javed, M. S., Ahmed, S., & Chen, Z.* (2023). Material-structure-property integrated additive manufacturing of batteries. Nano Energy, 108247.
[18]    Tu, Y., Gong, H., Hassan, A., Siadat, A., & Chen, Z. (2023). Computer vision-based evaluation of dimensional accuracy for MEAM in new product development. Procedia CIRP, 119, 444-449.
[19]    Fan, F., Jiang, M.*, Wang, P., Liu, C., Liu, Z., & Chen, Z.* (2022). Defect-associated microstructure evolution and deformation heterogeneities in additively manufactured 316L stainless steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 861, 144287.
[20]    RP Chaudhary (博后), C Parameswaran, M Idrees, S Rasaki, C Liu, Z Chen*, P Colombo, Additive Manufacturing of Polymer-Derived Ceramics: Materials, Technologies, Properties and Potential Applications, Progress in Materials Science, 2022, 128: 100969 (SCI收录、影响因子48.17、中科院大一区TOP期刊)
[21]    苑景坤,熊书锋,陈张伟,聚合物前驱体转化陶瓷增材制造技术研究趋势与挑战,无机材料学报,38 (5):477-488
[22]    M Idrees (博后), S Batool, J Cao, MS Javed, S Xiong, C Liu, Z Chen*, 3D Printed PC/SiOC@ Zn Hybrid Composite as Dendrite-Free Anode for Zn-Ion Battery, Nano Energy, 2022, 100: 107505 (SCI收录、影响因子19.07、中科院大一区TOP期刊)
[23]    J Huang, ZD Chen, C Wen, T Ling, Z Chen*, Thermally assisted 3D printing of bio-polymer with high solute loading with improved mechanical properties, Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 59A: 103088 (SCI收录、影响因子11.63、中科院大一区TOP期刊、增材制造领域排名第1)
[24]    J Cao (博后), K Miao, S Xiong, F Su, D Gao, X Lin, Z Liu, P Wang, C Liu, Z Chen*, 3D printing and in situ transformation of SiCnw/SiC structures, Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 58: 103053 (SCI收录、影响因子11.63、中科院大一区TOP期刊、增材制造领域排名第1)
[25]    F Su (学生), Z Su, Y Liu, X Lin, J Cao, Z Liu, P Wang, C Liu, Z Chen*, Generative shaping and material-forming (GSM) enables structure engineering of complex-shaped Li4SiO4 ceramics based on 3D printing of ceramic/polymer precursors, Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 57: 102963 (SCI收录、影响因子11.63、中科院大一区TOP期刊、增材制造领域排名第1)
[26]    S Xiong (学生), J Liu, J Cao, Z Li, M Idrees, X Lin, Z Long, Z Liu, P Wang, C Liu, Z Chen*, 3D printing of crack-free dense polymer-derived ceramic monoliths and lattice skeletons with improved thickness and mechanical performance, Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 57: 102964 (SCI收录、影响因子11.63、中科院大一区TOP期刊、增材制造领域排名第1)
[27]    F Su (学生), Y Liu, C Zhang, Z Luo, J Cao, Z Liu, P Wang, C Liu, Z Chen*, Photopolymerization and reaction sintering enabled generative shaping and material-forming of complex ceramic structures with high performance, Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 51: 102651 (SCI收录、影响因子11.63、中科院大一区TOP期刊、增材制造领域排名第1)
[28]    D Xiong (学生), SA Rasaki, Y Li, L Fan, C Liu, Z Chen*, Enhanced cathodic activity by tantalum inclusion at B-site of La0.6Sr0.4CO0.4Fe0.6O3 based on structural property tailored via camphor-assisted solid-state reaction, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2022, 11(8): 1130-1342 (SCI收录、影响因子11.53、中科院大一区TOP期刊、陶瓷领域排名第1)
[29]    X Wei, M Jin, H Yang, X Wang, Y Long, Z Chen*, Advances in 3D printing of magnetic materials: fabrication, properties and their applications, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2022, 11(5): 665-701 (SCI收录、影响因子11.53、中科院大一区TOP期刊、陶瓷领域排名第1)
[30]    C Liu, Y Qiu, Y Liu, K Xu, N Zhao, C Lao, J Shen, Z Chen*, Novel 3D grid porous Li4Ti5O12 thick electrodes fabricated by 3D printing for high performance lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2022, 11(2): 295-307 (SCI收录、影响因子11.53、中科院大一区TOP期刊、陶瓷领域排名第1)
[31]    Xu, K., Zhao, N., Li, Y., Wang, P., Liu, Z., Chen, Z.*, ... & Liu, C. (2022). Design and 3D Printing of Interdigitated Electrode Structures for High-performance Full Lithium-ion Battery. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers, 1(4), 100053.
[32]    C Liu*, N Zhao, K Xu, Y Li, JP Mwizerwa, J Shen, Z Chen*, High performance LiFePO4 and SiO@C/graphite interdigitated full lithium-ion battery fabricated via low temperature direct write 3D printing, Materials Today Energy, 2022, 29, 101098 (SCI收录、影响因子9.26、中科院大一区TOP期刊)
[33]    X Wei*, Y Pan, Z Chen*, 3D printing of NiZn ferrite architectures with high magnetic performance for efficient magnetic separation, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2022, 42(4): 1522-1529 (SCI收录、影响因子6.36、中科院大二区TOP期刊、陶瓷领域排名第2)
[34]    C Zhang (学生), Z Luo, J Cao, J Yuan, M Jiang, P Wang, C Liu, CP Jiang*, Z Chen*, Mechanical reinforcement of 3D printed cordierite-zirconia composites, Ceramics International, 2022, 48(4): 5636-5645 (SCI收录、影响因子5.53、中科院大二区TOP期刊、陶瓷领域排名第3)
[35]    M Idrees (博后), S Batool, MS Javed, MAU Din, M Imran, Z Chen*, Preferred coordination of polymer at MOFs enables improved lithium-ion battery anode performance, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, 6: 1690-1705 (SCI收录、影响因子8.68、中科院大二区期刊)
[36]    J Liu (学生), S Xiong, H Mei, Z Chen*, 3D printing of complex-shaped polymer-derived ceramics with enhanced structural retention, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2022, 37(11): 1267-1279 (SCI收录、影响因子4.78、中科院大三区期刊)
[37]    朱俊逸 (学生), 张成, 罗忠强, 曹继伟, 刘志远, 王沛, 刘长勇, 陈张伟*, 脱脂工艺对光固化3D打印堇青石陶瓷性能的影响, 无机材料学报, 2022, 37(3): 317-324(SCI收录、影响因子1.29、中科院大三区期刊)
[38]    曹继伟 (博后), 王沛, 刘志远, 刘长勇, 吴甲民*, 陈张伟*, 基于粉末成形的激光增材制造陶瓷技术研究进展, 无机材料学报, 2022, 37(3): 241-254, (SCI收录、影响因子1.29、中科院大三区期刊)
[39]    刘凯, 孙策, 史玉升, 胡佳明, 张庆庆, 孙云飞, 章嵩, 涂溶, 闫春泽, 陈张伟, 黄尚宇, 孙华君, 增材制造压电陶瓷的现状与展望, 无机材料学报, 2022, 37 (3), 278–288(SCI收录、影响因子1.29、中科院大三区期刊)
[40]    雷杨, 王沛, 邓亮, 陈张伟, 马将, 刘志远, 宋凯凯, 基于增材制造技术的非晶合金研究进展, 稀有金属材料与工程, 2022 (online)
[41]    D Zhao, Y Guo, R Lai, Y Wen, P Wang, C Liu, Z Chen, C Yang, S Li, Abnormal three-stage plastic deformation in a 17-4 PH stainless steel fabricated by laser powder bed fusion, Materials Science and Engineering: 2022, A 858, 144160
[42]    Y Tu (博后), A Hassan, A Siadat, G Yang, Z Chen, Numerical simulation and experimental validation of deposited corners of any angle in direct ink writing, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2022, 123 (1), 559-570
[43]    JP Mwizerwa, C Liu, K Xu, N Zhao, Y Li, Z Chen, J Shen, Three-dimensional printed lithium iron phosphate coated with magnesium oxide cathode with improved areal capacity and ultralong cycling stability for high performance lithium ion battery, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2022, 623, 168-181
[44]    C Liu, Z Mai, C Zheng, S Zhang, P Wang, M Jiang, Z Liu, C Lao, Z Chen, A simple and convenient approach to fabricate gas permeable mould steel by selective laser melting, Materials Technology 2022, 37 (11), 1778-1787
[45]    Y Wu, X Zhao, Q Chen, C Yang, M Jiang, C Liu, Z Jia, Z Chen, T Yang, Strengthening and fracture mechanisms of a precipitation hardening high-entropy alloy fabricated by selective laser melting Virtual and Physical Prototyping 2022, 17 (3), 451-467
[46]    JP Mwizerwa, C Liu, K Xu, N Zhao, Y Li, P Ndagijimana, Z Chen, J Shen, Activated carbon/reduced graphene oxide wrapped LiFePO4 cathode for Li-ion batteries with ultrahigh capacities and high specific energy density, FlatChem 2022, 34, 100393
[47]    K Xu, N Zhao, Y Li, P Wang, Z Liu, Z Chen, J Shen, C Liu, 3D printing of ultrathick natural graphite anodes for high-performance interdigitated three-dimensional lithium-ion batteries, Electrochemistry Communications 2022, 139, 107312
[48]    JP Mwizerwa, C Liu, K Xu, N Zhao, Z Chen, J Shen, In-situ solution phase synthesis of LiFePO4@ VSe2 composite as highly active cathode for Li-ion batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2022, 901, 163639
[49]    ZY Liu, XY Zhao, YW Wu, Q Chen, BH Yang, P Wang, ZW Chen, C Yang, Homogenization heat treatment for an additively manufactured precipitation-hardening high-entropy alloy, Rare Metals, 2022, 1-11
[50]    Z Liu, D Zhao, P Wang, M Yan, C Yang, Z Chen, J Lu, Z Lu, Additive manufacturing of metals: Microstructure evolution and multistage control, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2022, 100, 224-236
[51]    C Hong, X Wang, K Han, D Su, Z Chen, Performance investigation of 3D printed clay soil using fiber Bragg grating technology, Acta Geotechnica 2022, 17 (2), 453-462
[52]    J Cao (博后), …, Z Chen*, Complex SiC-based structures with high specific strength fabricated by vat photopolymerization and one-step pyrolysis, Additive Manufacturing, 48B: 102430 (2021) (SCI收录、影响因子11.63、中科院大一区TOP期刊、增材制造领域排名第1)
[53]    Piao Qu (学生), Dingyu Xiong, Zhongqi Zhu, Zhiyuan Gong, Yanpu Li, Yihang Li, Liangdong Fan, Zhiyuan Liu, Pei Wang, Changyong Liu, Zhangwei Chen*, Inkjet printing additively manufactured multilayer SOFCs using high quality ceramic inks for performance enhancement, Additive Manufacturing, 48A: 102394 (2021). (SCI收录、影响因子11.63、中科院大一区TOP期刊、增材制造领域排名第1)
[54]    M Idrees (博后), …, Z Chen*, Adsorption and electrochemical facet of polymer precursor to yield mesoporous carbon ceramic, Separation and Purification Technology, 275: 119199 (2021) (IF:7.31)
[55]    CP Jiang*, M Hentihu, YC Cheng, TY Lei, R Lin, Z Chen*, Development of 3D Slurry Printing Technology with Submersion-Light Apparatus in Dental Application, Materials, 2021, 14 (24), 7873
[56]    S Rasaki (博后), …, Z Chen*, The innovative contribution of additive manufacturing towards revolutionizing fuel cell fabrication for clean energy generation: A comprehensive review, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 148: 111369 (2021) (JCR一区, IF:14.982)
[57]    S Rasaki (博后), …, Z Chen*, A review of current performance of rare earth metal-doped barium zirconia: the promising electrode and electrolyte material for the protonic ceramic fuel cells, Progress in Solid State Chemistry, 100325 (2021) (IF:5.682)
[58]    S Rasaki (博后), Z Chen* et al.: Anti-Perovskite Metal Carbides: a New Family of Promising Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline Solution, Materials Research Bulletin, 133: 111014 (2021) (JCR三区, IF: 4.641)
[59]    J Yuan* (博后), L Li, J Cao, P He, Z Chen*, C Lao, D Jia, Y Zhou, Preparation and characterization of Cf/Pollucite Composites Through Geopolymer Precursors, Ceramics International, accepted (2021)
[60]    叶淑源 (学生),…,陈张伟*,高速连续光固化3D打印工艺与树脂打印件性能研究,机械工程学报,57 (15): 255-263(2021)(EI、中国卓越期刊计划)
[61]    熊鼎宇 (学生),…,陈张伟*,陶瓷挤出和喷射增材制造技术研究进展,机械工程学报,57 (17): 253-262(2021)(EI、中国卓越期刊计划)
[62]    MG Jiang (博后), C Xu, H Yan, T Nakata, ZW Chen, CS Lao, RS Chen, Quasi-in-situ observing the rare earth texture evolution in an extruded Mg-Zn-Gd alloy with bimodal microstructure, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 9 (5), 1797-1805 (2021)
[63]    J Yuan* (博后), L Li, P He, Z Chen*, et al., Effects of Kinds of Alkali-activated Ions on Geopolymerization Process of Geopolymer Cement Pastes, Construction and Building Materials, 293: 123536 (2021) (IF:6.141)
[64]    S Rasaki (博后), D Xiong, S Xiong, F Su, Z Chen*, Photopolymerization-based additive manufacturing of ceramics: A systematic review, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 10: 442–471 (2021) (SCI收录、影响因子11.53、中科院大一区TOP期刊、陶瓷领域排名第1)
[65]    龚志远 (学生),…,陈张伟*,喷墨打印技术制造新能源器件研究进展,硅酸盐学报(2021),接收(EI、中国卓越期刊计划)
[66]    陈张伟*,多孔陶瓷的增材制造及构性表征与关系研究,现代技术陶瓷,42(1-2): 43-63
[67]    P Wang, J Qi, Z Chen*, et al., Microstructure and mechanical properties of novel high-entropy alloy particle reinforced aluminum matrix composites fabricated by selective laser melting, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 868: 159197 (2021) (JCR二区, IF:5.316, Top期刊)
[68]    C Zhang (学生), …, Z Chen*, Dimensional retention of photocured ceramic units during 3D printing and sintering processes, Ceram. Int., 47 (8), 11097-11108 (2021) (JCR一区, IF:4.527, Top期刊)
[69]    Z Zhu (学生), …, Z Chen*, Additive manufacturing of thin ceramic electrolyte using highly stable inks, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 10 (2), 279-290 (2021) (SCI收录、影响因子11.53、中科院大一区TOP期刊、陶瓷领域排名第1)
[70]    M Jiang, C Liu, Z Chen*, P Wang, H Liao, D Zhao, Z Liu, X Wang, M Xu*, C Lao*, Enhanced strength-ductility synergy of selective laser melted reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel via heterogeneous microstructure modification, Materials Science & Engineering A, 801: 140424 (2021) (JCR一区, IF:5.234)
[71]    D Zhao, Q Yang, D Wang, M Yan, P Wang, M Jiang, C Liu, D Diao, C Lao, Z Chen, Z Liu*, Y Wu, Z Lu*, Ordered nitrogen complexes overcoming strength-ductility trade-off in an additively manufactured high entropy alloy, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 15 (sup 1): 532-542 (2020) (JCR一区, IF:8.092, Top期刊)
[72]    HC Wang, Y Hong, Z Chen, et al., ZnO UV Photodetectors Modified by Ag Nanoparticles Using All-Inkjet-Printing, Nanoscale Research Letters 15 (1): 1-8 (2020) (IF:4.703)
[73]    SA Rasaki (博后), Z Chen, H Shen, et al., Cobalt Nanoparticles Modified Single-Walled Titanium Carbonitride Nanotube Derived from Solid-Solid Separation for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline Solution, Electrocatalysis, 1-14 (2020) (IF:2.713)
[74]    C Liu, D Yan, J Tan, Z Mai, Z Cai, Y Dai, M Jiang, Pei Wang, Z Liu, C Li, C Lao*, Z Chen*: Development and Experimental Validation of a Hybrid Selective Laser Melting and CNC Milling System, Additive Manufacturing, 36:101550 (2020). (SCI收录、影响因子11.63、中科院大一区TOP期刊、增材制造领域排名第1)
[75]    Y Liu (学生), Z Chen* et al.: 3D printing of ceramic cellular structures for potential nuclear fusion applications, Additive Manufacturing, 35 (2020). (SCI收录、影响因子11.63、中科院大一区TOP期刊、增材制造领域排名第1)
[76]    C Liu, …, Z Chen* et al.: Effect of Hot Isostatic Pressing on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Ti6Al4V Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting, Metals, 10(5): 593 (2020) (JCR三区, IF: 2.351)
[77]    屈 飘(学生),欧阳竟,龚志远,刘长勇,劳长石,陈张伟*:燃料电池多孔陶瓷电极薄层的喷墨打印制造,硅酸盐学报,48(10):1-10 (2020). (EI、中国卓越期刊计划)
[78]    刘雨(学生), 陈张伟*:陶瓷光固化3D打印技术研究进展,材料工程,48(9):1-12 (2020).(EI、中国卓越期刊计划)
[79]    Z Li (学生), Z Chen* et al.: Additive manufacturing of lightweight and high-strength polymer-derived SiOC ceramics. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 1-15 (2020). (JCR一区, IF:8.092, Top期刊)
[80]    Z Chen*, Z Gong (学生), et al.: Characterization of indentation microstructures of porous SOFC cathodes. Ceram. Int., 46(1): 803-812 (2020) (JCR一区, IF: 4.527, Top期刊)
[81]    P Wang, A Gebert*, L Yan, H Li, C Lao, Z Chen, K Kosiba, U Kühn, S Scudino, Corrosion of Al-3.5Cu-1.5 Mg–1Si alloy prepared by selective laser melting and heat treatment, Intermetallics, 124: 106871 (2020) (JCR二区, IF:3.758)
[82]    P Wang*, C Lao, Z Chen, Y Liu, H Wang, H Wenrock, J Eckert, S Scudino, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-12Si and Al-3.5Cu-1.5Mg-1Si bimetal fabricated by selective laser melting, J. Mat. Sci. Tech. 36: 18-26 (2020) (JCR一区, IF: 8.067, Top期刊)
[83]    Z Chen*, Z Li (学生), et al.: 3D printing of ceramics: A review. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 39(4): 661-687(2019) (JCR一区, IF:5.302, Top期刊)    
【ESI 1% Highly Cited Paper高被引论文、0.1% Hot Paper热点论文(该领域动态数据显示目前深大仅2篇)】
[84]    Z Chen*, C Liu (学生), et al.: Mechanical properties and microstructures of 3D printed bulk cordierite parts, Ceram. Int., 45(15): 19257-19267 (2019) (JCR1区, IF: 4.527, Top期刊)
[85]    Z Chen*, J Li (学生), et al.: Preparation of high solid loading and low viscosity ceramic slurries for photopolymerization 3D printing. Ceram.Int., 45(9): 11549-11557 (2019) (JCR一区, IF: 4.527, Top期刊)
[86]    M Jiang (博后), Z Chen* et al.: Strong and ductile reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel additively manufactured by selective laser melting. Mater. Res. Lett., 7(10): 426-432 (2019) (JCR一区, IF:7.323, Top期刊)
[87]    Y Fu (博后), Z Chen* et al.: Preparation and stereolithography 3D printing of ultralight and ultrastrong ZrOC porous ceramics. J.All.Compd., 789: 867-873 (2019) (JCR一区, IF: 5.316, Top期刊)
[88]    C Liu, J Tong, J Ma, D Wang, F Xu, Y Liu, Z Chen*, C Lao*, Low Temperature Deposition Manufacturing: A Versatile Materials Extrusion-based 3D Printing Technology for Fabricating Hierarchically Porous Materials, Journal of Nanomaterials, (2019) (JCR二区, IF: 2.986)
[89]    C Liu*, F Xu, Y Liu, J Ma*, P Liu, C Lao, Z Chen*. High Mass Loading Ultrathick Porous Li4Ti5O12 Electrodes with Improved Areal Capacity Fabricated via Low Temperature Direct Writing, Electroch. Acta, 314: 81-88 (2019) (JCR一区, IF: 6.901, Top期刊)
[90]    C Liu*, F Xu, X Cheng, J Tong, Y Liu, Z Chen, C Lao, J Ma*. Comparative study on the electrochemical performance of LiFePO4 cathodes fabricated via low temperature 3D printing, direct ink writing and conventional roller coating process. Ceram.Int., 45(11): 14188-14197 (2019) (JCR一区, IF:4.527, TOP期刊)
[91]    C Liu, J Tong, M Jiang, Z Chen, X Wu, M Xu, H Liao, P Wang, G Xu, C Lao, Effect of scanning strategy on microstructure and mechanical properties of selective laser melted reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel, Mat. Sci. Eng. A, (2019) (JCR一区, IF: 5.234)
[92]    X Jiang, W Li, T Hai, R Yue, Z Chen, C Lao, Y Ge, G Xie, Q Wen, H Zhang, Inkjet-printed MXene micro-scale devices for integrated broadband ultrafast photonics, npj 2D Materials and Applications, 3(1): 1-9 (2019) (IF: 11.106)
[93]    Z Chen* et al.: Development and characterizations of novel aqueous-based LSCF suspensions for inkjet printing. Ceram.Int., 44(11): 13381-13388(2018) (JCR一区, IF:4.527, TOP期刊)
[94]    Z Chen* et al.: Numerical Study of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Contacting Mechanics. Fuel Cells, 18 (1): 42-50(2018) (JCR二区, IF:2.33)【封面文章-Front Cover Paper】
[95]    P Gao, S Xu, Z Chen, X Huang, Z Bao, C Lao, G Wu, Y Mei: Flexible and Hierarchically Structured Sulfur Composite Cathode Based on the Carbonized Textile for High-Performance Li–S Batteries. ACS applied materials & interfaces 10(4): 3938-3947(2018)(JCR一区, IF:9.229, Top期刊)
[96]    Y Fu, G Xu, Z Chen, D Wang, C Lao: Multiple metals doped polymer-derived SiOC ceramics for 3D printing. Ceram.Int., 44(10):11030-11038(2018)(JCR一区, IF:4.527, TOP期刊)
[97]    C Liu, N Huang, F Xu, J Tong, Z Chen, X Gui, Y Fu, C Lao: 3D Printing Technologies for Flexible Tactile Sensors toward Wearable Electronics and Electronic Skin. Polymers, 10(6):629 (2018)(JCR二区, IF:4.329)
[98]    Z Chen* et al.: Spherical indentation of bilayer ceramic structures: Dense layer on porous substrate. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 37(15):4763-4772(2017) (JCR一区, IF:5.302, TOP期刊)
[99]    Z Chen* et al.: Analysis of spherical indentation of porous ceramic films. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 37(3):1031-1038(2017) (JCR一区, IF:5.302, TOP期刊)【特色文章-Feature Article】
[100]    M Biton, V Yufit, F Tariq, Z Chen, N Brandon: Integrating multi-length scale high resolution 3D imaging and modelling in the characterisation and identification of mechanical failure sites in electrochemical dendrites. Acta Materialia, 141:39-46(2017)(JCR一区, IF:8.203, TOP期刊)
[101]    C Liu, X Cheng, B Li, Z Chen, S Mi, C Lao: Fabrication and characterization of 3D-printed highly-porous 3D LiFePO4 electrodes by low temperature direct writing process. Materials, 10(8):934-946(2017) (IF:3.623)
[102]    Z Chen* et al.: Inkjet printing and nanoindentation of porous alumina multilayers. Ceram.Int., 42(7):8316-8324(2016) (JCR一区, IF:4.527, TOP期刊)
[103]    Z Chen* et al.: Spherical Indentation of Porous Ceramics: Cracking and Toughness. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 36(14): 3473-3480(2016) (JCR一区, IF:5.302, TOP期刊)
[104]    Z Chen* et al.: Spherical indentation of porous ceramics: elasticity and hardness. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 36(6):1435-1445(2016) (JCR一区, IF:5.302, TOP期刊)
[105]    Z Chen* et al.: Microstructural characteristics and elastic modulus of porous solids. Acta Materialia, 89: 268-277(2015) (JCR一区, IF: 8.203, TOP期刊)
[106]    Z Chen* et al.: Fracture Toughness of Porous Material of LSCF in Bulk and Film Forms. J.Am.Ceram.Soc. 98(7):2183-2190(2015) (JCR一区, IF:3.784, Top期刊)
[107]    Z Chen* et al.: Analyses of microstructural and elastic properties of porous SOFC cathodes based on FIB tomography. J.PowerSources, 273:486-494(2015) (JCR一区, IF:9.127, Top期刊)
[108]    F Tariq, M Kishimoto, G Cui, V Yufit, M Lomberg, E Ruiz-Trejo, Z Chen, N Brandon: Advanced 3D Imaging and Analysis of SOFC Electrodes, ECS Transactions, 64(2): 81-86(2015)
[109]    Z Chen* et al.: Surface quality improvement of porous thin films for nanoindentation. Ceram.Int., 40(3):3913-3923(2014) (JCR一区, IF:4.527, TOP期刊)
[110]    F Tariq, V Yufit, Y Merla, M Biton, B Wu, Z Chen et al.: In-Operando X-ray Tomography Study of Lithiation Induced Delamination of Si Based Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries, ECS Electrochem.Lett. 3(7):A76-A78(2014) (JCR三区, IF:1.771)
[111]    X Wang, F He, Z Chen et al.: Porous LSCF-3YSZ interface fracture toughness measured by single beam wedge test. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc. 34(10):2351-2361(2014) (JCR一区, IF:5.302, TOP期刊)
[112]    Z Chen* et al.: Nanoindentation of porous bulk and thin films of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ. Acta Materialia, 61(15): 5720-5734(2013) (JCR一区, IF:8.203, TOP期刊)
[113]    X Wang, Z Chen et al.: Crack formation in ceramic films used in solid oxide fuel cells. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 33(13-14):2539-2547(2013) (JCR一区, IF:5.302, TOP期刊)
[114]    Z Chen* et al.: Process parameters appraisal of ceramic fabrication via stereolithography using Taguchi method. J.Eng.Manuf., 226(7):1249-1258(2012)(JCR三区, IF: 2.61)
[115]    X Tian, D Li, Z Chen: Study on the fabrication accuracy of ceramic parts by direct stereolithography, Virtual and Physical Prototyping 7(3):195-202(2012) (JCR一区, IF:8.092)
[116]    W Zhou, D Li, Z Chen: Influence of ingredients of silica suspensions on UV curing behavior of ceramic suspensions. Int.J.Adv.Manuf.Tech. 52(5-8):575-582(2011)(JCR二区, IF:3.226)
[117]    Z Chen* et al.: Curing characteristics of ceramic stereolithography for an aqueous-based silica suspension. J.Eng.Manuf., 224(4): 641-651(2010) (JCR三区, IF: 2.61)
[118]    W Zhou, D Li, Z Chen, Direct fabrication of an integral ceramic mould by stereolithography, J.Eng.Manuf. 224(2):237-243(2010)(JCR三区, IF: 2.61)
[119]    周伟召, 李涤尘, 陈张伟, 卢秉恒: 浆料光固化快速成形特性研究及其工程应用, 航空制造技术, 8:36-42(2010)
[120]    周伟召, 李涤尘, 陈张伟, 等: 基于光固化的直接陶瓷成形工艺, 塑性工程学报, 16(3):198-201(2009)


【会议论文】Conference Papers
[1]    Z Chen, F Giuliani, A Atkinson. Determination of Elastic Moduli for Porous SOFC Cathode Films Using Nanoindentation and FEM. Advances in Bioceramics and Porous Ceramics VII: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 35, 2015 (5): 111
[2]    Z Chen, X Wang, V Bhakhri, F Giuliani, A Atkinson (2012). Elastic moduli and 3D microstructures of porous LSCF films. Proceedings of the 10th European SOFC Forum, European Fuel Cell Forum AG, Lucern, Switzerland. Pages: B1021-1028
[3]    周伟召,李涤尘,陈张伟 (2009) 水基陶瓷浆料的光固化特性及成形工艺参数选择,第13届全国特种加工学术会议论文集,中国机械工程学会特种加工分会,南昌,中国,第23-27页
[4]    欧阳竟,陈张伟,劳长石 (2017) 喷墨打印用水基LSCF墨水的开发与研究,第17届全国特种加工学术会议论文集,中国机械工程学会特种加工分会,广州,中国,第389-395页
[5]    刘长勇,程星星,许丰,陈张伟,劳长石 (2017) 低温沉积3D打印制备锂离子电池LiFePO4正极及其电化学性能,第17届全国特种加工学术会议论文集,中国机械工程学会特种加工分会,广州,中国,第376-481页

【会议报告/邀请报告/大会报告】Conference Oral/Invited/Planery Talks
[1]    Progress of Ceramic Additive Manufacturing, 17th International Laser Processing and Systems Conference (LPC2023), 2023, 中国   
[2]    Additive Manufacturing of Advanced Porous Ceramics, 15th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM15), 2023, 中国
[3]    创形创材陶瓷增材制造研究,2022-2023中国材料大会,2023,中国
[4]    Additive Manufacturing of High-performance Ceramics, 1st International Conference on Additive Manufacturing for a Better World, 2022, 新加坡
[5]    Integrated design and additive manufacturing of ceramics, 8th International Ceramic Congress, 2022, 韩国   
[6]    Generative shaping and material-forming technology for ceramic 3D printing, 3rd SmartMADE Japan Conference, 日本
[7]    3D printing of porous ceramic for energy devices, 3rd International Forum on Advanced Materials and Technologies, 2021, 中国   
[8]    AM of ceramics for innovative applications, YCN Seminar, 2021, 法国   
[9]    陶瓷3D打印:工艺-结构-性能-应用,首届先进陶瓷高峰论坛, 2021,中国
[10]    3D printing of porous ceramics: Structures vs. Functionalities, 10th International Forum on Advanced Materials, Science and Technologies, 2019, 中国
[11]    3D printing of porous ceramics for advanced applications: Research at AMI-SZU, 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies, 2019, 日本
[12]    Application of 3D printing in advanced ceramic fabrication, EMN Summit 2019, 中国 (Invited)
[13]    R&D of ceramic 3D printing, 5th National Conference of Young Scientists on Additive Manufacturing, 2019, 中国
[14]    Progress on 3D printing of ceramics, TCT Asia 3D Printing Exposition & Conference, 2019, 中国
[15]    Characterisation of deformation and damage in SOFC components via spherical indentation and FEM, 40th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, 2016, 美国
[16]    Evaluation of porosity-dependent Youngs modulus of LSCF films: experiments and modelling, 13th International Conference of European Ceramic Society, 2013, 法国
[17]    Nanoindentation and modelling on LSCF films, UK Advanced Ceramics Workshop, 2013, 英国
[18]    Elastic modulus and 3D microstructures of porous LSCF films, 10th European SOFC Forum, 2012, 瑞士


[1]    陈张伟等,一种陶瓷前驱体浆料及多孔陶瓷件的3D打印反应成形方法,授权号:ZL202010283044.5
[2]    陈张伟等,一种光固化陶瓷浆料和碳化硅陶瓷的制备方法,授权号:ZL202110176975.X
[3]    陈张伟等,一种喷墨打印用陶瓷墨水及其制备方法,授权号:ZL201710878738.1
[4]    陈张伟等,一种碳氧硅陶瓷前驱体、厚实致密陶瓷件及其3D打印方法,授权号:ZL202210586136.X
[5]    陈张伟等,一种光固化3D打印的磁性复合吸波陶瓷及其制备方法与应用,授权号:ZL202211499606.5
[6]    陈张伟等,一种光固化3D打印的力致发光陶瓷及其制备方法与应用,授权号:ZL2022115646463
[7]    陈张伟等,一种直写3D打印中沉积拐角外轮廓的预测方法,授权号:ZL202210706897.4
[8]    陈张伟等,固体氧化物燃料电池阴极材料及制备方法与固体氧化物燃料电池,授权号:ZL202110978568.0
[9]    陈张伟等,一种基于金属有机骨架化合物的复合材料及其制备方法,授权号:ZL202111075724.9
[10]    邓帮林,陈张伟等,一种微通道非均匀布置的机动车尾气转化器及其制造方法,授权号:202011567462.3
[11]    劳长石,陈张伟等,一种基于全息投影的3D打印方法及系统,授权号:201810234619.7
[12]    刘长勇,买灼铿,严登,戴玉宏,蔡志祥,马建立,劳长石,陈张伟,牛文明:一种具有随形冷却水路的透气模具及其制造方法,授权号:201911244640.6
[13]    李涤尘,周伟召,吴海华,陈张伟,卢秉恒,一种空心叶片陶瓷铸型的光固化直接制造方法,授权号:200810150112.X
[14]    陈张伟等,一种聚合物前驱体陶瓷3D打印复杂结构件清洗方法,申请号:202310366743X
[15]    陈张伟等,一种消除光固化3D打印陶瓷分层和阶梯效应的方法,申请号:2022115488807
[16]    陈张伟等,一种用于锌离子电池直写3D打印的墨水及其制备方法,申请号:202210576480.0
[17]    陈张伟等,一种基于金属有机骨架化合物的复合材料及其制备方法,申请号:202111075724.9
[18]    陈张伟等,一种锌离子电池无枝晶阳极及其3D打印制备方法,申请号:202210575015.5
[19]    陈张伟等,基于数值仿真的直写打印中沉积细丝的横截面预测方法,申请号:202211367829.0
[20]    陈张伟等,一种锌离子电池及其制备方法,申请号:202210575014.0
[21]    陈张伟等,一种3D打印一体化制造堇青石蜂窝陶瓷载体的方法,申请号:201811038113.5
[22]    陈张伟等,一种用于3D打印的堇青石陶瓷浆料及其制备方法,申请号:201811038913.7
[23]    陈张伟等,一种喷墨3D打印制造固体氧化物燃料电池电极的方法,申请号:201811038102.7
[24]    刘志远,曾健华,王沛,刘长勇,陈张伟,一种免训练铁系高熵形状记忆合金及其制备方法,申请号:2023103052064
[25]    刘志远,陈强,谢盛辉,徐斌,陈张伟,一种用于污水降解的纳米晶复杂三维结构的增材制造方法,申请号:2022107945783
[26]    王大明,劳长石,陈张伟等,一种医用水凝胶及其制备方法,申请号:201910023950.9


【Books & Chapters 代表著作】
[1]    Z Chen et al. Roadmap of Ceramic Additive Manufacturing, in Technological Roadmaps of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Development 2021, China Machine Press (Ed: Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society), 2021  
[2]    Z Chen. Nanoindentation of Porous Materials for Elastic Modulus and Hardness Determination, in Applied Nanoindentation. John Wiley & Sons (Ed: A. Tiwari), 2017


2024/05        广东省自然科学奖二等奖(第1完成人)
2024/05         第十四届挑战杯广东省创业竞赛银奖指导教师
2024/01        第九届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛国家铜奖指导教师(1项)
2023/11        深圳市自然科学奖一等奖(第1完成人)
2023/10        斯坦福全球前2%顶尖科学家(连续3年入选)
2023/09        第九届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛广东金奖指导教师(1项)
2023/05        国际先进材料学会科学家奖
2023/04        《无机材料学报》期刊优秀青年编委
2023/01        《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》(SCI收录)期刊优秀编委
2023/01        中国增材医疗专委会团标“杰出贡献专家”
2022/12        《材料工程》(EI收录)期刊编辑部特别奖
2022/12        广东省重大人才工程特支计划
2022/12        深圳大学百篇优秀硕士学位论文指导教师
2022/10        斯坦福全球前2%顶尖科学家(连续2年入选)
2022/08        第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛国家银奖指导教师(1项)
2022/07        第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛广东银奖指导教师(2项)
2022/06        深圳大学优秀硕士研究生导师
2022/03        国际先进材料学会会士(IAAM Fellow)
2021/10        斯坦福全球前2%顶尖科学家
2021/07        深圳大学优秀学者
2020/10        中国硅酸盐学会特陶分会优秀青年奖
2020/01        中国产学研合作创新奖(个人)
2019/10        深圳大学首届新锐研究生导师
2019/10        斯坦福全球前2%顶尖科学家
2018/05        深圳大学优秀本科生毕业论文指导教师
2017/09        深圳市南山区领航人才计划
2017/05        广东省教育厅优秀青年创新人才
2017/03        深圳市海外孔雀人才计划
2015/02        博士论文获帝国理工材料系年度唯一John Kilner Prize
2010/10        帝国理工学院校长奖学金
2010/10        帝国理工学院学生基金
2010/06        陕西省优秀毕业生
2010/03        西安交通大学研究生创新一等奖学金
2009/12        西安交通大学优秀研究生标兵
2009/09        西安交通大学贝卡尔特企业奖学金
2008/05        西安交通大学优秀研究生
2007/09        西安交通大学研究生一等奖学金(连续3年入选)
2005/07        法国政府外交部埃菲尔全额奖学金
2005/05        西安交通大学优秀学生


【期刊编委】Journal Editor
●《Journal of Materials Science and Technology》(SCI收录):期刊Youth Editor
●《Materials Science in Additive Manufacturing》:期刊Editor
●《Additive Manufacturing Frontiers》:期刊Youth Editor
●《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》(SCI收录):期刊Editor
●《Rare Metals》(SCI收录):期刊青年编委
●《Engineering Reports》(SCI收录):期刊青年编委
●《Nano Materials Science》(SCI收录):期刊Youth Editor
●《Additive Manufacturing Frontiers》期刊“AM of Advanced Ceramics”:专刊特邀主编
●《Open Ceramics》:期刊Guest Editor

【学会任职】Academic Association Member

【项目评审】Funding Application Referee
●欧洲研究委员会(European Research Council)项目:特邀国际函评专家
●荷兰国家研究委员会(Dutch Research Council)项目:特邀国际函评专家
●新加坡A STAR研究基金项目:特邀国际函评专家
●新西兰政府Marsden Fund项目:特邀国际函评专家

【期刊评审】Journal Referee
●《Nature》、《Nature Materials》、《Nature Communications》、《Energy and Environmental Science》、《Advanced Materials》、《Materials Today》、《Materials Horizons》、《Acta Materialia》、《Additive Manufacturing》、《Virtual and Physical Prototyping》、《Journal of European Ceramic Society》、《Ceramics International》、《Journal of Materials Science and Technology》、《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》、《Advanced Engineering Materials》、《Materials Today Nano》、《RSC Advances》、《Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》、《Journal of Materials Science》、《无机材料学报》、《机械工程学报》、《中国机械工程》、《材料工程》等80余本高水平期刊审稿人

【会议任职】Conference Organizer
●中国:第二届中国陶瓷增材制造前沿科学家论坛 (2023):大会主席
●中国:2022-2023中国材料大会-先进陶瓷材料分论坛 (2023):论坛主席
●中国:第一届中国陶瓷增材制造前沿科学家论坛 (2021):创始人/大会主席
●加拿大:14th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM14): Symposium of Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics (2021):论坛主席
●日本:13th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM13): Symposium of Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics (2019):论坛主席
●韩国:8th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC8): Symposium of Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics and Associated Hybrid Printing Technologies (2021):论坛主席
●美国:46th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites (ICACC): 6th International Symposium on Additive Manufacturing (2022):论坛主席
●中国:10th International Forum of Advanced Materials Science & Technology: Symposium of 3D Printing Materials and Technologies (2019):论坛主席
●中国:第11届全国无机材料结构、性能及测试表征技术研讨会 (2020):论坛主席
●中国:13th International Conference on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications (CMCEE13): Symposium of Additive Manufacturing & 3D Printing Technologies (2021):论坛主席

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