
曲行达      特聘教授


邮箱: quxd@szu.edu.cn

办公室: S809


最终学位: 博士

办公电话: 0755-86965716

导师资格: 博导


• 运动生物力学
• 老龄化与工作能力
• 人机交互




• 2004.08–2008.05:弗吉尼亚理工大学,工业与系统工程,博士
• 2001.09–2004.03:北京航空航天大学,自动化控制,硕士
• 1997.09–2001.07:北京航空航天大学,自动化控制,学士




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31570944,个性化老年人碰撞前跌倒探测的研究,2016/01-2019/12,60万元(直接费用),在研,主持
2. 广东省自然科学基金-自由申请,2015A030313553,基于人体运动分析的实时体力疲劳检测,2015/09-2018/08,10万元,在研,主持
3. 广东省科技厅项目-社会发展领域,2014A020220014,体育运动中的前十字韧带损伤预防方法研究,2015/09-2017/08,20万元,在研,主持
4. 深圳市科技计划基础研究项目,JCYJ20150525092940994,用于防止老年人跌倒的智能鞋垫的研究,2015/11-2017/10,30万元,在研,主持
5. 深圳大学海外高层次人才研究启动经费,实验室建设经费,2015/01-2016/12,500万元,在研,主持
6. 新加坡海事研究所研究基金,SMI-2014-MA-06,Human errors in vessel traffic management: causal factors and preventive interventions,2014/11-2017/10,44.6 万新加坡元,在研,主持(此项目作为主持人申请获得,后因离开新加坡,故将项目转给Prof Chen Chun-Hsien,目前作为国际主持人)
7. 新加坡教育部学术研究基金项目,RG22/13,Physical digital human modeling for proactive ergonomics,2014/03-2017/02,15万新加坡元,已结题,主持
8. 新加坡职业场所安全与保健研究院研究基金,MOMOSDETT12000007,Behavior-centered, communications-reinforced approach to workplace safety,2013/07-2015/06,26.94万新加坡元,已结题,主持
9. 新加坡教育部学术研究基金项目,RG38/10,Balance recovery from slips after localized muscle fatigue at the lower limbs,2011/03-2014/02,5万新加坡元,已 结题,主持
10. 新加坡科技局研究基金,0921010061,Vision-aided active handheld instrument for microsurgery,2009/09-2013/02,73.194万新加坡元,已结题,参与
11. 新加坡南洋理工大学研究基金,Start-up Grant,Effects of occupational risk factors on balance control,2008/10-2011/04,23.5万新加坡元,已结题,主持

代表期刊论文 :

1. Tao, D., Wang, T., Wang, T., Liu, S., Qu, X.* (2017) Effects of consumer-oriented health information technologies in diabetes management over time: a systematic review and metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (Published online, DOI:10.1093/jamia/ocx014).
2. Tao, D., Zhang, R., Qu, X.* (2017) The role of personality traits and driving experience in self-reported risky driving behaviors and accident risk among Chinese drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 99A, 228-235.
3. Chen, X., Qu, X.* (2017) Influence of affective auditory stimuli on balance control during static stance. Ergonomics, 60, 404-409.
4. Chen, X., Huang, J., Zhou, Z., Qu. X.* (2017) Ontology-based user requirements representation in the context of big data. Journal of Shenzhen University, 34, 173-180. (In Chinese)
5. Trapsilawati, F., Wickens, C.D., Qu, X.*, Chen, C.H. (2016) Benefits of imperfect conflict resolution advisory aids for future air traffic control. Human Factors, 58, 1007-1019.
6. Li, Y., Kang, C., Qu, X., Zhou, Y., Wang, W., Hu, Y.* (2016) Depression-Related Brain Connectivity Analyzed by EEG Event-Related Phase Synchrony Measure. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10, 447.
7. Zhang, Z.*, Halkon, B., Chou, S.M., Qu, X. (2016) A novel phase-aligned analysis on motion patterns of table tennis strokes. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 16, 305-316.
8. Hu, X., Qu, X.* (2016) Pre-impact fall detection. Biomedical Engineering Online, 15: 61.
9. Song, J., Qu, X.*, Chen, C.H. (2016) Simulation of lifting motions using a novel multiobjective optimization approach. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 53, 37-47.
10. Tao, D.*, Yuan, J., Liu, S., Qu, X., Chen, X. (2016) The effects of button characteristics on the usability of touch screen devices in input tasks. Chinese Journal of Ergonomics, 22, 1-6. (In Chinese)
11. Tao, D., Zhang, R., Qu, X.* (2016) The effects of gender, age and personality traits on risky driving behaviors. Journal of Shenzhen University, 33, 646-652. (In Chinese)
12. Qu, X.* (2015) Effects of lower-limb muscular fatigue on stair gait. Journal of Biomechanics, 48, 4059-4064.
13. Li, Y., Wang, W., Liu, T., Ren, J., Zhou, Y., Chang, Y., Qu, X., Hu, Y.* (2015) Source analysis of P3a and P3b components to investigate interaction of depression and anxiety in attentional systems. Scientific Reports, 5:17138.
14. Zhang, Z., Halkon, B.*, Chou, S.M., Qu, X. (2015) Shoulder joint angle errors caused by marker offset. Procedia Engineering, 112, 479-484.
15. Song, J., Qu, X.*, Chen, C.H. (2015) Lifting motion simulation using a hybrid approach. Ergonomics, 58, 1557-1570.
16. Hu, X., Qu, X.* (2015). Detecting falls using a fall indicator defined by a linear combination of kinematic measures. Safety Science, 72, 315-318.
17. Qu, X.* (2015) Impacts of different types of insoles on postural stability in older adults. Applied Ergonomics, 46, 38-43.
18. Trapsilawati, F., Qu, X.*, Wickens, C.D., Chen, C.H. (2015) Human factors assessment of conflict resolution aid reliability and time pressure in future air traffic control. Ergonomics, 58, 897-908.
19. Jabbar, K.B.A.*, Sujae, I., Loke, M., Hamill, J. Qu, X. (2015). Effects of neuromuscular fatigue on perceptual-cognitive skills between genders in the contribution to the knee joint loading during side-stepping tasks. Journal of Sports Sciences, 33, 1322-1331.
20. Qu, X.* (2014). Age-related cognitive task effects on gait characteristics: Do different working memory components make a difference? Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 11:149.
21. Lew, F.L., Qu, X.* (2014) Effects of mental fatigue on biomechanics of slips. Ergonomics, 57, 1927-1932.
22. Song, J., Qu, X.* (2014) Age-related biomechanical differences during asymmetric lifting. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 44, 629-635.
23. Song, J., Qu, X.* (2014) Effects of age and its interaction with task parameters on lifting biomechanics. Ergonomics, 57, 653-668.
24. Luu, T.P.*, Low, K.H., Qu, X., Lim, H.B., Hoon, K.H. (2014). Hardware development and locomotion control strategy for an overground gait trainer: NaTUre-gaits. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 2, 2100209
25. Lew, F.L., Qu, X.* (2014) Effects of multi-joint muscular fatigue on biomechanics of slips. Journal of Biomechanics, 47, 59-64.
26. Qu, X.*, Hu, X. (2014). Lower-extremity kinematics and postural stability during stair negotiation: Effects of two cognitive tasks. Clinical Biomechanics, 29, 40-46.
27. Hu, X., Qu, X.* (2014). An individual-specific fall detection model based on the statistical process control chart. Safety Science, 64, 13-21.
28. Luu, T.P.*, Low, K.H., Qu, X., Lim, H.B., Hoon, K.H. (2014). An individual-specific gait pattern prediction model based on generalized regression neural networks. Gait & Posture, 39, 443-448.
29. Zhou, F., Qu, X.*, Jiao, J.X., Helander, M. (2014). Emotion prediction from physiological signals: a comparison study between visual and auditory elicitors. Interacting with Computers, 26, 285-302.
30. Hu, X., Qu, X.* (2013). Differentiating slip-induced falls from normal walking and successful recovery after slips using kinematic measures. Ergonomics, 56, 856-867.
31. Qu, X.* (2013). Effects of cognitive and physical loads on local dynamic stability during gait. Applied Ergonomics, 44, 455-458.
32. Qu, X.*, Hu, X., Lew, F.L. (2012). Differences in lower extremity muscular responses between successful and failed balance recovery after slips. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 42, 499-504.
33. Qu, X.*, Nussbaum, M.A. (2012). Modeling 3D control of upright stance using an optimal control strategy. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 15, 1053-1063.
34. Qu, X.* (2012). Uncontrolled manifold analysis of gait variability: Effects of load carriage and fatigue. Gait & Posture., 36, 325-329.
35. Zhou, F., Qu, X.*, Helander, M., Jiao, J.X. (2011). Affect prediction from physiological measures via visual stimuli. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 69, 801-819.
36. Qu, X.*, Yeo, J.C. (2011). Effects of load carriage and fatigue on gait characteristics. Journal of Biomechanics, 44, 1259-1263.
37. Qu, X.* (2010). Low-level noise affects balance control differently when applied at different body parts. Journal of Biomechanics, 43, 2936-2940.
38. Qu, X.* (2010). Physical load handling and listening comprehension effects on balance control. Ergonomics, 53, 1461-1467.
39. Qu, X.*, Nussbaum, M.A., Madigan, M.L. (2009). Model-based assessments of the effects of age and ankle fatigue on the control of upright posture in humans. Gait & Posture, 30, 518522.
40. Qu, X.*, Nussbaum, M.A. (2009). Evaluation of the roles of passive and active control of balance using a balance control model.  Journal of Biomechanics, 42, 1850-1855.
41. Qu, X., Nussbaum, M.A.* (2009). Simulating human lifting motions using fuzzy logic control. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 39, 109-118.
42. Qu, X., Nussbaum, M.A.* (2009). Effects of external loads on balance control during upright stance: experimental results and model-based predictions. Gait & Postures, 29, 23-30.
43. Qu, X., Nussbaum, M.A.*, Madigan, M.L. (2007). A balance control model of quiet upright stance based on an optimal control strategy. Journal of Biomechanics, 40, 3590-3597.  
44. Qu, X.*, Gong, G., Wang, X. (2005). Realization of common services layer in CGF system with universality. Computer Simulation, 22, 22-25. (In Chinese)
45. Qu, X.*, Gong, G., Wang, X. (2004). Methods of realization of multilevel intelligent decision-making in CGF. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 30, 644-647. (In Chinese)
46. Qu, X.*, Gong, G. (2004). Research on the decision-making modeling in computer generated forces system. Journal of System Simulation, 16, 261-263. (In Chinese)


·2004年 College of Engineering Fellowship, Virginia Tech
·2006年 Alexander E. Walter & Pratt Fellowship, Virginia Tech


· 期刊编委
1. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (June 2015 – present)
2. Journal of Applied Biomechanics (January 2017 – present)
3. 深圳大学学报理工版 (April 2017 – present)

· 期刊审稿 (>100 篇)
1. Annals of Biomedical Engineering
2. Applied Ergonomics
3. Behaviour & Information Technology
4. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
5. Clinical Biomechanics
6. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
7. Ergonomics
8. Gait & Posture
9. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries
10. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
11. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
12. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
13. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
14. IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors
15. Industrial Health
16. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
17. Journal of Applied Biomechanics
18. Journal of Biomechanics
19. Journal of Neurophysiology
20. Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology
21. Medical Engineering & Physics
22. Optical Engineering
23. Plos One
24. Safety and Health at Work
25. The Physician and Sports Medicine

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