
陶达      特聘研究员


邮箱: taoda@szu.edu.cn

办公室: 机电楼S811

人才称号: 广东省杰青/深圳市海外高层次人才/深圳大学荔园优青

最终学位: 博士


导师资格: 博导、硕导


• 智能人机交互(Intelligent human-computer interaction; Human-robot interaction);人因工程/工效学(Human factors and ergonomics) ;健康信息学(Health Informatics);界面设计与用户体验(Interface design and user experience)
• 人机交互的认知决策(cognition and decision-making)与社会心理行为机制(Psychosocial behaviors with technology)

目前主要进行智能驾驶、核电和医疗人机系统下 基于认知行为实验和多模态数据的人员心理/认知机制及其人机交互技术/方法研究,欢迎对智能算法、多模态融合数据分析、智能人机交互、界面设计和用户体验测评感兴趣的优秀研究生报读(2024/2025年招收控制方向研究生;可邮件联系)。



• 人机界面设计;生产运营管理;人因工程与用户体验;职业安全工程;自动化专业英语;工程心理学专题


• 人机交互理论与应用(学硕;在职研究生);人机交互技术(专硕)


• 香港大学,工业与制造系统工程系,博士(Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong)
• 台湾逢甲大学,工业工程与系统管理系,访学(Feng Chia University)
• 同济大学,机械与能源学院,本科(B.Eng.,Tongji University)


深圳大学人因工程研究所副主任,特聘研究员,博士生导师,广东省杰出青年基金获得者,深圳市海外高层次人才,深圳大学荔园优青学者。主要从事人机交互与人因安全方面的研究工作,成果为医疗、核电和交通等领域人机系统优化和失误防控提供理论和方法支持。主持国家自然科学基金等项目10余项。在Computers in Human Behavior、JAMIA、TRC、Accident Analysis & Prevention、IJHCS、Applied Ergonomics、Ergonomics、中国公路学报、工业工程与管理等人机交互、人因工程和信息系统管理等前沿交叉领域发表学术论文70余篇,其中SCI/SSCI论文60余篇,ESI高被引4篇,引用超4千次,连续入选全球前2%顶尖科学家年度科学影响力榜单(2022-2024),多次获中国管理工效学学术会议优秀论文奖。担任核电安全国家重点实验室客座研究员、国家/广东省/深圳市自然科学基金评审专家及知名SCI期刊特刊主编和审稿人。


• 国家自然科学基金面上项目,核电脑力负荷研究,2023年-2026年
• 国家自然科学基金青年项目,慢性病患数字化健康信息认知行为机制研究,2022年-2024年
• 教育部人文社会科学研究项目,移动医疗健康护理行为决策机制研究,2020年-2022年

• 广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目,智能驾驶人机信任研究,2024年-2027年
• 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,核电认知负荷表征机制研究,2023年-2025年
• 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,移动医疗使用行为驱动机制及演化规律研究,2019年-2022年
• 广东省教育厅青年创新人才项目,健康信息技术行为研究,2017年-2018年

• 深圳市基础研究面上项目,智能驾驶人机协同研究,2023年-2026年
• 深圳市基础研究面上项目,医疗信息认知决策机制研究,2021年-2022年
• 深圳市高端人才财政补助科研启动经费, 2017年-2019年

• 核电安全监控技术与装备国家重点实验室开放基金,核电调试值班工程师脑力负荷研究,2018年-2019 年
• 工效学会-津发科技优秀青年学者联合研究基金,2016年-2018年
• 深圳大学校启动项目,2016年-2018年
• 中国船舶工业综合技术经济研究院项目,模拟船舶晃动条件下界面设计基础实验研究,2018年-2018年

•深圳大学研究生教育改革项目,面向国家SCI新政的研究生科研能力评价体系研究, 2020年至2022年

代表期刊论文 :


• Tao, D., Luo, W., Wu, Y., Yang, K., Wang, H., & Qu, X. (2024). Ergonomic assessment of mid-air interaction and device-assisted interactions under vibration environments based on task performance, muscle activity and user perceptions. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 103364. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1071581924001472 (JCR Q1)
• Tao, D., Liu, K. (2024). How do self-motivation and social motivation contribute to consumers’ acceptance of m-health services?. Health Policy and Technology,13(3),100878. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211883724000418 (JCR Q1)
• 吴玉卓,陶达*. 老年人移动触屏人机交互操作影响因素研究. 人类工效学. 2024. (科技核心)
• 何文浩,王铁雁,张婷茹,陶达*. 基于智能驾驶场景的人机信任影响因素作用机制研究. 人类工效学. 2024, 30(2):9-16. (科技核心)
• Tian, Y., Shi, Y., Wu, Y., He, W., Liu, S., & Tao, D*. (2024). Assessing mouse, trackball, touchscreen and leap motion in ship vibration conditions: A comparison of task performance, upper limb muscle activity and perceived fatigue and usability. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 101, 103585. (中科院 Q2)
• Tao, D., Ren, X., Liu, K., Mao, Q., Cai, J., & Wang, H. (2024). Effects of color scheme and visual fatigue on visual search performance and perceptions under vibration conditions. Displays, 102667. (JCR Q1)
• Huang, J., Zhang, Q., Zhang, T., Wang, T., & Tao, D*. (2024). Assessment of Drivers’ Mental Workload by Multimodal Measures during Auditory-Based Dual-Task Driving Scenarios. Sensors, 24(3), 1041. (JCR Q2)

• Tao, D., Chen, Z., Qin, M., & Cheng, M. (2023). Modeling Consumer Acceptance and Usage Behaviors of m-Health: An Integrated Model of Self-Determination Theory, Task–Technology Fit, and the Technology Acceptance Model. Healthcare, 11(11), 1550. (JCR Q2)
• Tao, D., Diao, X., Qu, X., Ma, X., & Zhang, T. (2023). The Predictors of Unsafe Behaviors among Nuclear Power Plant Workers: An Investigation Integrating Personality, Cognitive and Attitudinal Factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), 820. (JCR Q1)
• 张奇良,杨坤华,张旭,张婷茹,曲行达,陶达*. 基于复杂核电调试作业任务的脑力负荷评估研究. 工业工程与管理. 2023, 28(3):36-42. (中文核心)
• 李文开,程妙婷,曲行达,陶达*. 基于可视化呈现的数字化健康信息认知研究[J].包装工程,2023,44(22):267-276. (中文核心)
• 谢滨福, 陶达*, 李世龙, 任欣芫. 基于交互情境因素的人与机器人交互体验.深圳大学学报理工版,2023,40(2):244-252. (中文核心)
• 任欣芫,陶达*,曲行达,谢滨福. 用户情绪和信息框架对电子健康信息认知和护理行为决策的影响. 医学信息学杂志.2023. (科技核心)
• 陶达*, 黄玉勇, 吴玉卓, 张奇良, 冉家琪, 张婷茹, 曲行达. 长时驾驶任务中脑力负荷多维特征变化趋势研究[J]. 中国公路学报, 2023, 36(11): 456-464. (EI收录,中文核心;我国公路交通行业最权威学术期刊)

• Liu, K., Zeng, J., & Tao, D*. (2022). Assessing touchscreen operations under vibration: effects of vibrational environments, button size, and button spacing on digit-and letter-entry task performance. Universal Access in the Information Society, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-022-00935-2. (JCR Q3)
• Liu, K., Su, P., Wang, H., & Tao, D*. (2022). Contextualizing visualizations of digital health information among young and older adults based on eye-tracking. Sustainability, 14(24), 16506. (JCR Q2)
• Wang, H., Zhang, J., Luximon, Y., Qin, M., Geng, P., & Tao, D*. (2022). The Determinants of User Acceptance of Mobile Medical Platforms: An Investigation Integrating the TPB, TAM, and Patient-Centered Factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), 10758.(JCR Q1)
• Tao, D., Li, W., Qin, M., & Cheng, M. (2022). Understanding Students’ Acceptance and Usage Behaviors of Online Learning in Mandatory Contexts: A Three-Wave Longitudinal Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability, 14(13), 7830.(JCR Q2)
• Tao, D., Fu, P., Wang, Y., Zhang, T., & Qu, X. (2022). Key characteristics in designing massive open online courses (MOOCs) for user acceptance: An application of the extended technology acceptance model. Interactive Learning Environments, 30(5), 882-895.(JCR Q1)
• Cheng, M., Tao, D., Xie, S., Cao, X., & Yuen, A. H. (2022). Exploring students' learning management system acceptance patterns: Antecedents and consequences of profile membership. Computers in Human Behavior, 135, 107374.(JCR Q1)
• Tao, D., Yang, K., Zhang, T., & Qu, X. (2022). Typing with mobile devices: A comparison of upper limb and shoulder muscle activities, typing performance and perceived workload under varied body postures, typing styles and device types. Applied Ergonomics, 102,103760. (JCR Q1)
• Liu, K., & Tao*, D. (2022). The roles of trust, personalization, loss of privacy, and anthropomorphism in public acceptance of smart healthcare services. Computers in Human Behavior, 127, 107026. (JCR Q1)【ESI高被引论文】
• Wang, H., Tao*, D., Cai, J., & Qu, X. (2022). Effects of vibration and target size on the use of varied computer input devices in basic human‐computer interaction tasks. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 32(2), 199-213.(JCR Q4)
• 张奇良,杨坤华,曲行达,陶达*. 基于多模态生理信号的驾驶人脑力负荷评估. 深圳大学学报理工版,2022,39(3):278-286. (中文核心)
• 杨坤华,张奇良,张钰莹,曲行达,陶达*. 晃动环境下交互设备对操作绩效和上肢肌肉活动的影响研究. 人类工效学. 2022, 28(2):28-34. (科技核心)

• Tao, D., Diao, X., Wang, T., Guo, J., & Qu, X. (2021). Freehand interaction with large displays: Effects of body posture, interaction distance and target size on task performance, perceived usability and workload. Applied Ergonomics, 93, 103370. (JCR Q1)
• Tao, D., Zeng, J., Liu, K., and Qu, X. (2021). Effects of control-to-display gain and operation precision requirement on touchscreen operations in vibration environments. Applied Ergonomics, 91, 103293. (JCR Q1)
• Tao, D., Liu, Z., Diao, X., Tan, H., Qu, X., and Zhang, T. (2021). Antecedents of self-reported safety behaviors among commissioning workers in nuclear power plants: The roles of demographics, personality traits and safety attitudes. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 53(5), 1454-1463. (JCR Q2)
• Chen, X., Wang, Y., Tao*, D., Jiang, L., & Li, S. (2021). Antecedents of smartphone multitasking: roles of demographics, personalities and motivations. Internet Research, 31(4), 1405-1443. (JCR Q2)
• Qu, X., Hu, X., & Tao*, D. (2021). Gait initiation differences between overweight and normal weight individuals. Ergonomics, 64(8), 995-1001. (JCR Q3)
• Wang, H., Tao*, D., and Yan, M. (2021). Effects of text enhancement on reduction of look-alike drug name confusion: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Quality Management in Health Care, 30(4), 233-243. (JCR Q4)
• Wang, H., Tao*, D., Liu, S., Zhou, T., and Qu, X. (2021). Application of colour combinations on visual search tasks under vibration environments. The Journal of Navigation, 74(2), 311-327. (JCR Q2)
• Qin, M., & Tao*, D. (2021). Understanding preservice music teachers’ intention to remain in the profession: An integrated model of the theory of planned behaviour and motivation theory. International Journal of Music Education, 39(4), 355-370.(JCR Q4)

• Tao, D., Wang, T., Wang, T., Zhang, T., Zhang, X., and Qu, X. (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of user acceptance of consumer-oriented health information technologies. Computers in Human Behavior, 104, 106147. (JCR Q1)【ESI高被引论文】
• Tao, D., Shao, F., Wang, H., Yan, M., and Qu, X. (2020). Integrating usability and social cognitive theories with the technology acceptance model to understand young users’ acceptance of a health information portal. Health Informatics Journal, 26(2), 1347-1362. (JCR Q3)
• Zhang, T., Liu, Z., Zheng, S., Qu, X., and Tao*, D. (2020). Predicting Errors, Violations, and Safety Participation Behavior at Nuclear Power Plants. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 5613. (JCR Q1)
• Zhang, T., Shen, D., Zheng, S., Liu, Z., Qu, X., and Tao*, D. (2020). Predicting unsafe behaviors at nuclear power plants: An integration of Theory of Planned Behavior and Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 80, 103047. (JCR Q2)
• Wang, H., Tao*, D., Yu, N., and Qu, X. (2020). Understanding consumer acceptance of healthcare wearable devices: An integrated model of UTAUT and TTF. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 139, 104156. (JCR Q2)

• Tao, D., Tan, H., Wang, H., Zhang, X., Qu, X., and Zhang, T. (2019). A systematic review of physiological measures of mental workload. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 2716. (JCR Q1)
• Tao D, Yuan J, Qu X. Effects of presentation formats on consumers’ performance and perceptions in the use of personal health records among older and young adults. Patient Education and Counseling. 2019;102(3):578-585. (JCR Q1)
• Chen X, Tao D*, Zhou Z. Factors affecting reposting behaviour using a mobile phone-based user-generated-content online community application among Chinese young adults. Behaviour & Information Technology. 2019;38(2):120-131. (JCR Q3)
• 陶达,张旭,蔡剑,刘双,曲行达. 晃动条件下触摸屏按键设计特征因素的可用性研究. 人类工效学. 2019. 25(3):1-7,25.(科技核心)
• 陶达, 袁娟, 曾吉红, 刁小风, 曲行达. 呈现方式和性别对老年用户使用和理解健康信息的影响. 人类工效学. 2019(1):18-24.(科技核心)
• 陶达, 蔡剑, 张旭, 刘双, 曲行达. 晃动环境下信息元素设计对视觉搜索的影响. 深圳大学学报(理工版). 2019;36(4):440-6. (中文核心)
• 陶达, 蔡剑, 张旭, 王铁雁, 刘双, 曲行达. 晃动环境下触摸屏手势操作的可用性研究. 工业工程与管理. 2019. (中文核心)

• Tao D, Yuan J, Shao F, Li D, Zhou Q, Qu X. Factors affecting consumer acceptance of an online health information portal among young Internet users. CIN-Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 2018;36(11):530-539. (JCR Q3)
• Tao D, Yuan J, Qu X. Presenting self-monitoring test results for consumers: the effects of graphical formats and age. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2018;25(8):1036-1046. (JCR Q1)
• Tao D, Yuan J, Liu S, Qu X. Effects of button design characteristics on performance and perceptions of touchscreen use. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 2018;64:59-68. (Q2)
• Tao D, Wang T, Wang T, Qu X. Influence of drug colour on perceived drug effects and efficacy. Ergonomics. 2018;61(2):284-294. (JCR Q2)
• 陈星宇,周展,黄俊文,陶达*. 基于参与-情感-认知框架的用户创新性预测. 深圳大学学报理工版. 2018. 35 (4(331-440)):426-431. (中文核心)
• Tao D, Zhang R, Qu X. The role of personality traits and driving experience in self-reported risky driving behaviors and accident risk among Chinese drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2017;99:228-235. (JCR Q1)
• Tao D, Wang T, Wang T. Effects of color on expectations of drug effects: A cross‐gender cross‐cultural study. Color Research & Application. 2017;42(1):124-130. (JCR Q4)
• Tao, D., Wang, T., Wang, T., Liu, S., & Qu, X. Effects of consumer-oriented health information technologies in diabetes management over time: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2017;24(5):1014-1023. (JCR Q1)
• 陈星宇,周展,黄俊文,陶达*. 基于关键词挖掘的客户细分方法. 深圳大学学报理工版. 2017. 34 (3), 221-330. (中文核心)
• 陶达,袁娟,刘双,曲行达,陈星宇*. 触摸屏按键特征因素对键盘输入操作可用性的影响. 人类工效学. 2016. 22(5):1-6. (科技核心)
• 陶达,张瑞,曲行达*. 性别、年龄和人格特质对风险驾驶行为的影响. 深圳大学学报理工版,2016, 33(6): 646-652. (中文核心)
• Tao D*, Xie LY, Wang TY, Wang TS. A meta-analysis of the use of electronic reminders for patient adherence to medication in chronic disease care. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 2015;21(1):3-13. (JCR Q4)
• Tao, D., & Or, C. K. (2013). Effects of self-management health information technology on glycaemic control for patients with diabetes: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 19(3), 133-143.


• 2024年核电安全技术与装备全国重点实验室台山人因安全实践研究基地首次工作会及核电厂人因安全与人因绩效提升专家咨询会,特邀主题报告:“核电脑力负荷研究与展望”
• 2023年中国工业设计协会信息与交互设计专业委员会(IIDC)高峰论坛,特邀主题报告:“基于多模态测评的人机交互设计与人因安全研究”
• 2023年中国人类工效学会第 22 次管理工效学&第 3 届设计工效学学术会议,分会场特邀报告:“论文写作与项目申报经验交流”
• 2021年中国人类工效学会第 20 次管理工效学暨首届设计工效学学术会议,分会场特邀报告:“英文高水平论文写作与发表经验交流”
• 2021年第二十一届国际人-机-环境系统工程大会,特邀主题报告:“脑力负荷:概念,方法和应用”
• 2018年第六届中国用户体验峰会,特邀主题报告:“消费者健康信息技术:体验设计与融合创新”

• D Tao, Y Wu, X Ma, M Qin. Modeling user experience of large display-based interaction with physiological indicators and machine learning techniques. The 24th International Conference on Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering; Beijing, China, Oct. 18 - 20, 2024.(EI)
• Tao, D., Liu, Z., Zhang, T., Liu, C., & Wang, T. (2023). User Trust Towards an AI-assisted Healthcare Decision Support System under Varied Explanation Formats and Expert Opinions. Artificial Intelligence, Social Computing and Wearable Technologies, 113(113).(EI)
• Tao D, Wang T, Tan H, Cai J, Zhang X. Understanding one-handed thumb interaction with a mobile touchscreen device: effects of keyboard size, gap and button shape. The 10th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics; Washington D.C. USA, July 24-28, 2019.(EI)
• Da Tao*, Juan Yuan, Xingda Qu, Tieyan Wang, Xingyu Chen (2018).Presentation of personal health information for consumers: an experimental comparison of four visualization formats. HCI International 2018 Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 15-20 July 2018.(EI)
• Da Tao*, Qiugu Chen, Juan Yuan, Shuang Liu, Xiaoyan Zhang, Xingda Qu. (2017). Effects of key size, gap and the location of key characters on user performance and preference in touchscreen input tasks. The 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2017), Vancouver, Canada.(EI)
• Xingyu Chen, Shiyuan Liu, Junwen Huang, Da Tao* (2017). The Impact of Online Lottery Promotion on User Acquisition and Engagement. The 2017 ISPE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE2017). Singapore, July 10-14, 2017.(EI)
• Da Tao*, Fenglian Shao, Shuang Liu, Tieyan Wang, Xingda Qu. (2016). Predicting factors of consumer acceptance of health information technologies: A systematic review. The Human Factors & Ergonomics Society 2016 Annual Meeting (HFES 2016) 60 (1), 598-602.(EI)
• Da Tao, Calvin Or, Kang Li. (2014). The influence of computer experience and screen size on use performance and perceptions of a tablet chronic illness self-management system for older adults. Paper presented at the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society 2014 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, Chicago, Illinois.
• Da Tao, Calvin Or (2012). A paper prototype usability study of a chronic disease self-management system for older adults. Paper presented at the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Hong Kong., December 10-13, 2012.(EI)



标准/中国标准/与心理负荷相关的工效学原则 第1部分:心理负荷术语与测评方法.深大排名第五,我校第一完成人


• 广东省杰出青年基金获得者
• 深圳市海外高层次人才孔雀计划奖励
• 深圳市南山区“领航人才”称号
• 深圳大学“荔园优青”
• 2016年获中国人类工效学会-津发科技优秀青年学者研究基金奖励
• 深圳大学2018-2019学年度本科教学单项奖
• 2018 创新南山“创业之星”全国大赛三等奖
• 2016年第16届中国管理工效学学术年会优秀论文奖
• 2018年第18届中国管理工效学学术年会优秀论文特等奖
• 2019年第19届中国管理工效学学术年会优秀论文奖
• 2019年中国人类工效学学会全国会员代表大会优秀论文奖
• 2023年智能交互与体验第二届学术会议优秀论文奖
• 2024年第23届中国管理工效学学术年会优秀论文奖


• 核电安全技术与装备全国重点实验室客座研究员
• 核电安全技术与装备全国重点实验室台山人因安全实践研究基地技术委员会委员
• 国家、广东省、深圳市自然科学基金同行评议专家
• 辽宁工程技术大学硕士生导师(校外)
• HFES、IEA、中国人类工效学学会等协会会员
• 二十多个SCI/SSCI期刊审稿专家

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