
曹广忠      教授


邮箱: gzcao@szu.edu.cn

办公室: 机电大楼S711

人才称号: 深圳市政府特殊津贴专家,深圳市优秀教师,深圳市高层次专业人才地方级领军人才,广东省高等学校“千百十”人才,深圳大学优秀学者

最终学位: 博士

办公电话: 0755-26534865

导师资格: 博士生导师


    1. 智能控制;2. 工业机器人、AGV与医疗机器人;3. 电机与磁悬浮系统;4. 物联网与AI;5. 机器视觉与嵌入式系统;6. 信号处理与故障预测


    1. 控制系统仿真


    1. 机器人控制技术  2. 机器人学导论/高级机器人学  3. 控制系统仿真与CAD  4. DSP系统设计    5. MCU/ARM/DSP技术实践


    1. 1992-1996,西安交通大学,机械电子工程,工学博士学位
    2. 1989-1992,西安交通大学,机械电子工程/电气工程,工学硕士学位
    3. 1985-1989,西安交通大学,电气工程及其自动化,学士学位


    1. 2000入职深圳大学。自动化科学系教授,博士生导师,深圳大学学术委员会委员,广东省电磁控制与智能机器人重点实验室主任、深圳电磁控制重点实验室主任、深圳物联网应用产业服务平台主任、深圳大学自动化研究所所长、深大-美TI DSP联合实验室主任、深大-美MICROCHIP联合实验室主任、深圳大学智能制造产业研究中心主任
    2. 2016,美国MIT高级访问学者
    3. 2001、2003、2005,英国UCLAN高级访问学者
    4. 1998-2000,韩国科学技术院(KAIST),控制工程专业,博士后研究员
    5. 1996-1998,西安交通大学,讲师、破格副教授


    [1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,动磁—多层叠绕组磁浮平面电机的纳精运动生成机理研究(52277061),2023-2026
    [2] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,可穿戴下肢康复运动辅助外骨骼机器人关键技术研究(U1813212),2019-2022
    [3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,平面开关磁阻电机的无位置传感器动子位置辨识与控制(51677120),2017-2020
    [4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,开关磁阻平面直驱系统的微纳精度生成机理与控制研究(51275312),2013-2016
    [5] 深圳市自然科学基金基础研究重点项目,基20220045超精磁浮驱控技术机理和算法研究(JCYJ20220818095804009),2022-2025

代表期刊论文 :

  [1]Zi-Qin Ling, Jiang-Cheng Chen, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Yue-Peng Zhang,Ling-Long Li, Wen-Xin Xu, Sheng-Bin Cao. A Domain Adaptive Convolutional Neural Network for sEMG-based Gait Phase Recognition against to Speed Changes. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 23(3):2565-2576.(SCI,中科院JCR2)
  [2]黄苏丹,刘付榕,曹广忠*,陈龙,李玲珑,敬刚,刘岩.基于在线差分进化算法的平面开关磁阻电机约束预测位置控制.中国电机工程学报, 2023,43(13):5239-5251
  [3] Taiheng Liu, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Zhaoshui He, Shengli Xie. RoIA: Region of Interest Attention Network for Surface Defect Detection. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 2023, 36(2):159-169. (SCI,中科院JCR4)
  [4]Jun-Di Sun, Guang-Zhong Cao, Zhengyou He, Su-Dan Huang, Jiangbiao He, Qing-Quan Qian Aluminum Eddy Currents in PSRM Stator Arrays: Analysis and Mitigation for Improved Control Precision and Energy Efficiency. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2023. DOI:10.1109/TMAG.2023.3288770. (SCI,中科院JCR3)
  [5]Tiaheng Liu, Zhaoshui He, Zhijie Lin, Guang-Zhong. Cao, et al. An Adaptive Visual Segmentation Network for Surface Defect Detection. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023, DOI:10.1109/TNNLS.2022.3230426. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [6]Jiyuan Song, Aibin Zhu, Yao Tu, Xiaodong Zhang, Guangzhong Cao. Novel Design and Control of a Crank-Slider Series Elastic Actuated Knee Exoskeleton for Compliant Human–Robot Interaction. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2023, 28(1):531-542. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [7] Su-Dan Huang, Kai-Yu Peng, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Chao Wu, Junqi Xu, and Jiangbiao He. Robust precision position tracking of planar motors using min-max model predictive control. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, 69(12): 13265–13276. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [8]Yeping Peng, Weijiang Wang, Zhen Tang, Guangzhong Cao*, Shengxi Zhou∗. Non-uniform illumination image enhancement for surface damage detection of wind turbine blades.Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.2022,170,108797. (SCI,中科院JCR2,TOP)
  [9]Yeping Peng, Zhen Tang, Genping Zhao, Guang-zhong Cao*, Chao Wu. Motion blur removal for uav-based wind turbine blade images using synthetic datasets. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(1):1-16.(SCI,中科院JCR2,TOP)
  [10]Zi-Qin Ling, Yue-Peng Zhang, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Jiang-Cheng Chen, Ling-Long Li, Dong-Po Tan. AE-CNN Based Multi-Source Data Fusion for Gait Motion Step Length Estimation. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 22(21): 20805-20815. (SCI,中科院JCR2)
  [11] Su-Dan Huang, Zhi-Yong Hu, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Jiangbiao He, Gang Jing, Yan Liu. Input-Constrained-Nonlinear-Dynamic-Model-Based Predictive Position Control of Planar Motors. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 68(8): 7294-7308. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [12]Su-Dan Huang, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Junqi Xu, Yukang Cui, Chao Wu, Jiangbiao He. Predictive Position Control of Long-Stroke Planar Motors for High-Precision Positioning Applications. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 68(1): 796-811. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [13]Su-Dan Huang, Long Chen, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Chao Wu, Junqi Xu, Zhengyou He. Predictive Position Control of Planar Motors Using Trajectory Gradient Soft Constraint With Attenuation Coefficients in the Weighting Matrix. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 68(1): 821-837. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [14]Weijiang Wang, Yeping Peng, Guangzhong Cao, Xiaoqin Guo, Ngaiming Kwok. Low-Illumination Image Enhancement for Night-Time UAV Pedestrian Detection. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021, 17(8): 5208-5217. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [15]Yuepeng Zhang, Guangzhong Cao*, Ziqin Ling, WenZhou Li, Haoran Cheng, Binbin He, Shengbin Cao and Aibin Zhu. A Multi-Information Fusion Method for Gait Phase Classification in Lower Limb Rehabilitation Exoskeleton. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2021, 15: 692539.(SCI,中科院JCR3)
  [16]Yuepeng Zhang, Guangzhong Cao*, Wenzhou Li, Jiangcheng Chen, Linglong Li and Dongfeng Diao. A Self-Adaptive-Coefficient-Double-Power Sliding Mode Control Method for Lower Limb Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Robot. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(21): 10329.(SCI,中科院JCR3)
  [17]Wen-Zhou Li, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Ai-Bin Zhu. Review on Control Strategies for Lower Limb Rehabilitation Exoskeletons. IEEE Access, 2021, 9: 123040-123060.(SCI,中科院JCR3)
  [18]Jun-Di Sun, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Su-Dan Huang, Jiang-biao He,Qing-Quan Qian. Bipolar-Voltage- Injection- Based Position Estimation Method of Planar Switched Reluctance Motors Using Improved Flux Linkage Model. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2021, 57(2): 8201605. (SCI,中科院JCR4)
  [19]Guang-Zhong Cao, Hong-Jin Hu, Su-Dan Huang, Jun-Di Sun, Jiangbiao He. An Assistant- Mover- Based Position Estimation Method for Planar Switched Reluctance Motors. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, 67(7): 6066-6077. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [20] Nan Chen, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Su-Dan Huang, Jun-Di Sun. Sensorless Control of Planar Switched Reluctance Motors Based on Voltage Injection Combined With Core-Loss Calculation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, 67(7): 6031-6042. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [21]Wang Huaizhi, Liu Yangyang, Zhou Bin,Li Canbing, Cao Guangzhong, Voropai Nikolai, Barakhtenko Evgeny. Taxonomy research of artificial intelligence for deterministic solar power forecasting. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 214112909. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [22]Yeping Peng, Junhao Cai, Tonghai Wu, Guangzhong Cao, Ngaiming Kwok, Zhongxiao. WP-DRnet: A novel wear particle detection and recognition network for automatic ferrograph image analysis. Tribology International, 2020, 151: 106379. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [23] Jiang Zeng, Cao Guang-Zhong*, Ye-Ping Peng, Su-Dan Huang. A Weld Joint Type Identification Method for Visual Sensor Based on Image Features and SVM. Sensors, 2020, 20(2): 471. (SCI,中科院JCR3)
  [24] Huaizhi Wang, Jiaqi Ruan, Bin Zhou, CanBing Li , Qiuwei Wu, Muhammad Qamar Raza, Guangzhong Cao. Dynamic Data Injection Attack Detection of Cyber-Physical Power Systems with Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019, 15(10): 5505-5518. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [25]Wang Huaizhi, Meng Anjian,Liu Yitao,Fu Xueqian,Cao Guangzhong. Unscented Kalman Filter based interval state estimation of cyber physical energy system for detection of dynamic attack. Energy, 2019, 188116036. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [26]Yukang Cui, Jun Shen, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Estimation and synthesis of reachable set for delta operator systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2019, 32: 267-275. (SCI,中科院JCR2,TOP)
  [27]Huaizhi Wang, Jiaqi Ruan, Zhengwei Ma, Bin Zhou, Xueqian Fu, Guangzhong Cao*. Deep learning aided interval state prediction for improving cyber security in energy internet, Energy, 2019, 174: 1292-1304. (SCI,中科院JCR2,TOP)
  [28]Peng Yeping,Cai Junhao,Wu Tonghai, Cao Guangzhong*, Kwok Ngaiming, Zhou Shengxi, Peng Zhongxiao. A hybrid convolutional neural network for intelligent wear particle classification. Tribology International, 2019, 138166-173. (SCI,中科院JCR1)
  [29]Sun Jundi,Cao Guang Zhong*,Huang Su Dan,Peng Yeping,He Jiangbiao,Qian Qing Quan.Sliding -Mode-Observer-Based Position Estimation for Sensorless Control of the Planar Switched Reluctance Motor. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 61034-61045. (SCI,中科院JCR2)
  [30] Huang Su Dan, Cao Guang Zhong*, Peng Yeping,Wu Chao,Liang Deliang,He Jiangbiao. Design and Analysis of a Long-Stroke Planar Switched Reluctance Motor for Positioning Applications. IEEE Access. 2019, 7: 22976-22987. (SCI,中科院JCR2)
  [31]Yeping Peng, Songbo Ruan, Guangzhong Cao*, Sudan Huang, Ngaiming Kwok, Shengxi Zhou. Automated Product Boundary Defect Detection Based on Image Moment Feature Anomaly. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 52731-52742. (SCI,中科院JCR2)
  [32]Yukang Cui,Hao Feng, Guang-Zhong Cao*.L∞--gain analysis of discrete-time positive singular systems with time-varying delays. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 143120-143126. (SCI,中科院JCR2)
  [33]Hong-Jin Hu, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Su-Dan Huang, Chao Wu, Ye-Ping Peng. Drive circuit-based torque-ripple suppression method for single-phase BLDC fan motors to reduce acoustic noise. IET Electric Power Applications, 2019, 13(7): 881-888. (SCI,中科院JCR3)
  [34] Guang-Zhong Cao, Wen-Bo Li, Su-Dan Huang*, Jiang-Biao He. Modeling, Analysis, and Implementation of a Novel Wireless-Moving-Levitating System with Multiple Magnetic Fields. Electric Power Components and Systems, 2019, 47(6-7): 515-525. (SCI,中科院JCR4)
  [35]Hong Dunhua, Cao Guangzhong*, et al. Construction of a Pt-modified chestnut-shell-like ZnO photocatalyst for high-efficiency photochemical water splitting, Electrochimica ACTA, 2018, 283: 959-969. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [36]Ruikun Mai, Yang Chen, Youyuan Zhang, Naijian Yang, Guangzhong Cao , Zhengyou He.Optimization of the Passive Components for S-LCC Topology Based WPT System for Charging Massive Electric Bicycles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018, 65(7): 5497-5508. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [37] Ruikun Mai, Yeran Liu, Yong Li, Pengfei Yue, Guangzhong Cao,Zhengyou He. An Active Rectifier Based Maximum Efficiency Tracking Method Using an Additional Measurement Coil for Wireless Power Transfer. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018, 33(1): 716-728. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [38]Yang Chen, Bin Yang, Zhihao Kou, Zhengyou He, Guangzhong Cao, Ruikun Mai. Hybrid and Reconfigurable IPT Systems with High-Misalignment Tolerance for Constant Current and Constant Voltage Battery Charging. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018, 33(10): 8259-8269. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [39] Guangzhong Cao, Songbo Ruan, Yeping Peng, Sudan Huang, Ngaiming Kwok. Large-Complex-Surface Defect Detection by Hybrid Gradient Threshold Segmentation and Image Registration. IEEE Access, 2018, 6(1): 36235- 36246. (SCI,中科院JCR2)
  [40]Hong Dunhua.Cao Guangzhong*,et al. Antibacterial activity of Cu2O and Ag co-modified rice grains-like ZnO nanocomposites, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018, 34(12): 2359-2367. (SCI,中科院JCR2)
  [41]Yang Chen, Zhihao Kou, Youyuan Zhang, Zhengyou He, Ruikun Mai, Guangzhong Cao. Hybrid Topology with Configurable Charge Current and Charge Voltage Output Based WPT Charger for Massive Electric Bicycles. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2018, 6(3): 1581-1594. (SCI,中科院JCR 2)
  [42]Guang-Zhong Cao, Jin-Chang Guo, Su-Dan Huang, et al. Noise characteristics of the planar switched reluctance motor. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 10(5): 1-12. (SCI,中科院JCR4)
  [43] Guang-Zhong Cao, Nan Chen, Su-Dan Huang, Song-Song Xiao, Jiangbiao He. Nonlinear Modeling of the Flux Linkage in 2-D Plane for the Planar Switched Reluctance Motor. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2018, 54(11): 8205805. (SCI,中科院JCR4)
  [44]Hong-Jin Hu, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Su-Dan Huang, Chao Wu, Jin-Chang Guo, De-Liang Liang, Rui-Kun Mai. Design and Analysis of a Planar Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Motor. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2018, 54(11): 8205606. (SCI,中科院JCR4)
  [45] Ruikun Mai, Yang Chen, Yong Li, Youyuan Zhang, Guangzhong Cao,Zhengyou He. Inductive Power Transfer for Massive Electric Bicycles Charging Based on Hybrid Topology Switching With a Single Inverter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2017, 32(8): 5897-5906. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [46] Yeping Peng, Tonghai Wu, Guangzhong Cao*, Sudan Huang, Hongkun Wu, Ngaiming Kwok, Zhongxiao Peng. A Hybrid Search-Tree Discriminant Technique for Multivariate Wear Debris Classification, Wear, 2017, 392-393: 152-158. (SCI,中科院JCR3)
  [47]Ruikun Mai, Linsen Ma, Yeran Liu, Pengfei Yue, Guangzhong Cao, Zhengyou He. A Maximum Efficiency Point Tracking Control Scheme Based on Different Cross Coupling of Dual-Receiver Inductive Power Transfer System. Energies, 2017, 10(2): 1-17. (SCI,中科院JCR3)
  [48]Su-Dan Huang, Lin Zhou, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Huai-Yuan Liu, Yi-Min Hu, Gang Jing, Ming-Gao Cao. A Novel Multiple-Stress-Based Predictive Model of LEDs for Rapid Lifetime Estimation. Microelectronics Reliability, 2017, 78: 46-52. (SCI,中科院JCR4)
  [49]Su-Dan Huang, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Zheng-You He, Chao Wu, Ji-An Duan. Maximum-Force-per-Ampere Strategy of Current Distribution for Efficiency Improvement in Planar Switched Reluctance Motors. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016, 63(3): 1665-1675. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [50]黄苏丹, 刘淮源, 曹广忠*, 等. 基于自适应遗传算法的LED器件多应力条件下寿命快速评估系统模型. 中国科学:技术科学, 2016, 46(09): 940-949.
  [51]Su-Dan Huang, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Zheng-You He, J. F. Pan, Ji-An Duan ,Qing-Quan Qian. Nonlinear Modeling of the Inverse Force Function for the Planar Switched Reluctance Motor Using Sparse Least Squares Support Vector Machines. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2015, 11(3): 591-600. (SCI,中科院JCR1,TOP)
  [52]Guang-Zhong Cao*, Ling-Long Li, Su-Dan Huang, Ling-Ming Li, Qing-Quan Qian,Ji-An Duan. Nonlinear Modeling of Electromagnetic Forces for the Planar-Switched Reluctance Motor. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2015, 51(11): 1-5. (SCI,中科院JCR3)
  [53]Cao Guang-Zhong*, Fang Ji-Lin, Huang Su-Dan, et al. Optimization Design of the Planar Switched Reluctance Motor on Electromagnetic Force Ripple Minimization. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2014, 50(11): 1-4. (SCI,中科院JCR3)


    [1] Yi Luo, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Chao Wu, Zhi-Yong Hu, An AGV Positioning Algorithm for Reducing the Number of Reflectors, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2022 15nd International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, pp.274-284.
    [2] Wen-Bin Wu, Guang-Zhong Cao*, A Multi-AGV Scheduling Model with Obstacle Impact Factor in Uncertain Workshop Environment, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2022 15nd International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, pp.218-227.
    [3] Wei-Dian Ni, Guang-Zhong Cao*, An Improved Beetle Antennae Search Optimization Based Particle Filtering Algorithm for SLAM, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2022 15nd International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, pp.205-215.
    [4] Dong-Po Tan, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Yue-Peng Zhang, Jiang-Cheng Chen, and Ling-Long Li, Safe Movement Planning with DMP and CBF for Lower Limb Rehabilitation Exoskeleton,2022 19th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), 2022, pp. 231-236.
    [5] Zhang Yue-Peng, Cao Guang-Zhong*, Jiang-Cheng Chen, Ye Yuan, Ling-Long Li, Dong-Po Tan,Zi-Qin Ling.Gait Time Parameter Analysis-Based Rehabilitation Evaluation System of Lower Limb Motion Function.2022 15nd International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications(ICIRA),2022, pp.90-102.
    [6] Ling-Long Li, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Yue-Peng Zhang, and Jiang-Cheng Chen. A Novel Hand Gesture Recognition Method Using sEMG-Based PSODE-BPNN. The 12th IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems(CYBER), 2022.
    [7] Ling-Long Li, Guang-Zhong Cao* , Hong-Jie Liang, Jiang-Cheng Chen, and Yue-Peng Zhang. EEG Generation of Virtual Channels Using an Improved Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks. International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications. 2022: 386-399.
    [8] Hong-Jie Liang, Ling-Long Li, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Jiang-Cheng Chen.A Novel Motor Imagery EEG Classification Model Using Frequency-Temporal-Spatial Convolutional Neural Network with Channel Attention. 2021 The 12th IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER),2022.
    [9] Zhang Yue-Peng, Cao Guang-Zhong*, Ling Zi-Qin, He Bin-Bin, Cheng Hao-Ran, Li Wen-Zhou, Cao Sheng-Bin. A real-time gait phase recognition method based on multi-information fusion. 2021 18th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots, UR 2021.7, pp.249-255.
    [10] Zhang Yue-Peng, Cao Guang-Zhong*,Meng Xuan-Ye,  Ling Zi-Qin,Cao Sheng-Bin, Li Wen-Zhou.A Cloud Platform for Remote Data Interaction and Visualization in Lower Limb Exoskeleton Robot.2021 IEEE 11th Annual International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems ,CYBER 2021, pp.818-823.
    [11] Ling Zi-Qin, Cao Guang-Zhong*, Zhang Yue-Peng, Cheng Hao-Ran,  He Bin-Bin, Cao Sheng-Bin. Real-time Knee Joint Angle Estimation Based on Surface Electromyograph and Back Propagation Neural Network. 2021 18th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots, UR 2021, pp.256-263.
    [12] Ling Zi-Qin, Cao Guang-Zhong*, Zhang Yue-Peng. An Improved Convolutional Neural Network for Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis. 2021 IEEE 11th Annual International Conference on CYBER Technology in     Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems ,CYBER 2021, pp.824-829.
    [13] Cao Sheng-Bin, Cao Guang-Zhong*, Zhang Yue-Peng, Ling Zi-Qin, He Bin-Bin, Huang Su-Dan. Fast terminal sliding mode control based on dynamic boundary layer for lower limb exoskeleton rehabilitation robot 2021 IEEE 11th Annual International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems, CYBER 2021, pp.453-458.
    [14] Zi-Na Huang, Guang-Zhong Cao*, Su-Dan Huang and Li-Jia Wang. A Zero-Position Correction Method for a Novel 6-DOF Magnetic Levitation Motor Using Excitation Current. 2021 13th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (LDIA), Wuhan, China, 2021, pp.1-5.
    [15] Li-Jia Wang, Su-Dang Huang, Guang-Zhong Cao* and Zi-Na Huang. A New Four-Phase Current Distribution Strategy for the Novel 6-DOF Maglev Motor. 2021 13th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (LDIA), Wuhan, China, 2021, pp.1-6.
    [16] Y. Wu, G. Z. Cao*, S. D. Huang, Y. P. Peng. Distributed Database of Cloud Platform for the Lower-limb Exoskeleton Robot. 2020 17th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), Kyoto, Japan, 2020, pp.322-326.
    [17] Y. Yuan, G. Z. Cao*, A. B. Zhu, X. Lyu, Y. L. Wang. Communication Scheme of Cloud Platform for the Lower Limb Exoskeleton Rehabilitation Robot. 2020 17th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), Kyoto, Japan, 2020, pp.327-332.
    [18] H. R. Cheng, G. Z. Cao*, C. H. Li, A. B. Zhu, X. D. Zhang. A CNN-LSTM Hybrid Model for Ankle Joint Motion Recognition Method Based on sEMG, 2020 17th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), Kyoto, Japan. 2020, pp.339-344.
    [19] W. Z. Li, G. Z. Cao*, Y. l. Wang, X. Lyu. Wavelet-Based Electromyographic Feature Selection Method for Real-Time Ankle Movement Recognition. 2020 10th International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent system (IEEE-CYBER), Xian, 2020, pp.24-30. (最佳论文之一)
    [20] J. Zeng, G. Z. Cao*, W. B. Li, B. C. Chen. An Algorithm of Hand-eye Calibration for arc Welding Robot. 2019 16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), South Korea, 2019, pp.1-6.
    [21] X. S. Yang, S. D. Huang, G. Z. Cao*, C. Wu, H. J. Hu, X. D. Fu. Multi-Segment Sliding Mode Control of the Planar Switched Reluctance Motor for Precision Positioning. 2019 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), San Diego, 2019, pp.63-67.
    [22] J. D. Sun, G. Z. Cao*, S. D. Huang, Q. Q. Qian. A Sliding Mode Observer for Position Estimation of the Planar Switched Reluctance Motor. 2019 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), San Diego, 2019, pp.1342-1347.
    [23] X. D. Fu, S. D. Huang, G. Z. Cao*, C. Wu, W. B. Li, X.S. Yang. Nonlinear Modeling of a Magnetic Levitation System. 2019 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), San Diego, 2019, pp.985-989.
    [24] B. C. Chen, G. Z. Cao*, W. B. Li, J. D. Sun, S. D. Huang, J. Zeng. An analytical solution of inverse kinematics for a 7-DOF redundant manipulator. 2018 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), Hawaii, 2018, pp.523-527.
    [25] G. Z. Cao, N. Chen, S. D. Huang, S. S. Xiao, J. B. He. Nonlinear Modeling of the Flux Linkage in Two-Dimensional Plane for the Planar Switched Reluctance Motor. 2018 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG), Singapore, 2018, pp.1-1.
    [26] H. J. Hu, G. Z. Cao*, S. D. Huang, C. Wu, J. C. Guo, D. L. Liang, R. K. Mai. Design and Analysis of a Planar Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Motor. 2018 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG), Singapore, 2018, pp.1-1.
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    [29] W. B. Li, G. Z. Cao*, J. D. Sun, Y. X. Liang, S. D. Huang. A Calibration Algorithm of the Structured Light Vision for the Arc Welding Robot. 2017 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), Jeju, 2017, pp.481-483.
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    [4] Guangzhong Cao. LabVIEW - Practical Applications and Solutions[M]// Acoustical Measurement and Fan Fault Diagnosis System, InTech-Open Access Publisher, 2011, 229


    [1] 第二批广东省高等学校“千百十”人才
    [2] 2014深圳市政府特殊津贴专家
    [3] 2009、2015、2021深圳市高层次专业人才地方级领军人才
    [4] 2016深圳市优秀教师
    [5] 2017南山领航人才
    [6] 2016、2019深大荔园优秀学者
    [7] 2015深圳大学首批交叉学科创新团队负责人
    [1] 曹广忠(5),智慧口岸智能通关系统关键技术与应用,广东省科学技术二等奖,2021
    [2] 曹广忠(5),智慧口岸智能通关系统关键技术与应用,深圳市科技进步二等奖,2020
    [3] 曹广忠(3),基于供给侧理念的工程硕士三元协同培养模式构建与实践,国家教学成果二等奖,2018
    [4] 曹广忠(3),基于供给侧理念的工程硕士培养模式改革,广东省教学成果一等奖,2017
    [5] 曹广忠(2),集装箱在途安全智能监控关键技术与应用,广东省科学技术二等奖,2015
    [6] 曹广忠(2),用于工程结构和危化品安全监测的传感器关键技术,广东省科学技术三等奖,2011


    [1] IEEE Senior Member,IEEE PES中国区电动汽车技术委员会电动汽车电驱动技术分委会委员,中国电工技术学会磁场调制电机专业委员会委员,中国仪器仪表学会微型计算机应用学会常务理事,中国振动工程学会动态测试专业委员会副理事长,中国振动工程学会磁悬浮技术与振动控制专业委员会委员,中国机械工程学会流体工程分会常务委员会委员,广东省自动化学会常务理事,广东省人工智能与机器人学会理事,深圳市机器人协会副理事长
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