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2018/10/24 09:25:43人浏览


【报告题目】Mechanical behavior of 3D printed beta titanium alloy porous scaffolds  

【报告专家】张来昌 副教授(Edith Cowan University澳大利亚埃迪斯·科文大学)

【报告时间】2018年10月25日(星期四) 上午10:30-11:30  





【报告摘要】Beta-type titanium porous structures are a new class of solution for implants because they offer excellent combination of high strength and low Young’s modulus. This presentation studies the influence of porosity variation in electron beam melting (EBM)-produced and selective laser melting (SLM) produced beta-type titanium alloy samples on the mechanical properties including super-elastic property, Young’s modulus, compression strength, energy absorption and fatigue properties. Compared with Ti-6Al-4V samples, the beta-type titanium porous samples exhibit a higher normalized fatigue strength owing to super-elastic property, greater plastic zone ahead of the fatigue crack tip and the crack deflection behaviour. Stress distribution results, obtained by finite element methods, coupled with the investigation of the slip bands generated have been used to reveal the plasticity mechanism and local stress concentrations for each structure. The topology optimized structure exhibits the best balance of bending and buckling stress with a high elastic energy absorption, a low Young’s modulus and a high compression strength.          



【专家简介】张来昌博士,澳大利亚埃迪斯·科文大学(Edith Cowan University)副教授及机械工程学科负责人,博士毕业于中国科学院金属研究所,德国“洪堡”学者,澳大利亚研究理事会(ARC)项目评审专家和澳大利亚合作研究中心(CRC)项目评审专家。他长期从事新型材料的制备、结构和性能,尤其是新型钛合金的制备工艺和性能的研究,已主持和参与3项澳大利亚研究理事会3D打印技术的研究项目。迄今为止,他已经出版英文书籍2本、书籍章节17篇、发表在Advanced Materials(《先进材料》,影响因子21.95)、Advanced Functional Materials(《先进功能材料》,影响因子13.32)、Acta Materialia(《材料学报》,影响因子6.036)、Scripta Materialia (《材料快报》,影响因子4.163)、Applied Catalysis B(《应用催化B:环境》,影响因子11.698)、Corrosion Science(《腐蚀科学》,影响因子4.862)、Electrochimica Acta(《应用催化B:环境》,影响因子5.116)等国际著名学术期刊发表SCI论文170余篇,多篇学术文章被评为ESI“热点文章”、ESI“高被引用文章”,并多次被邀作大会报告和邀请口头报告,已邀撰写关于选择性激光熔化钛合金和电子束熔融钛合金的综述文章各一篇。